Sing for me Sweetheart

742 11 9

Three weeks Later

Ben's Point of View

"Riley what are you doing" I ask him as he's looking very sneaky 

"Nothing Daddy" he says as I see him hide something behind his back 

"Are you sure" I ask him and he knows he's been caught out 

"Yes Daddy now don't look at me go in the kitchen" he says I have to try not to laugh because his face is a picture determination mixed with a childish temper as he folds his arms showing off the bar of chocolate he has taken from the cupboard 

"So what is that then" I ask him he looks at it 

"It's Ellie's" he says 

"So what are you doing with it then" I say giving him a slight smile as he huffs and walks off putting the bar down 

"I just don't know" he says as he heads into the conservatory flopping himself on the sofa. 

"What did Daddy tell you about having chocolate today" I ask him as he'd been told not to have any as he was all dressed up for our family photo shoot 

"I cant remember" he says to me 

"I said we could have some after we have had our pictures taken" I tell him he huffs at me again "Because you don't want to mess up your smart new clothes do you" I ask him and he shakes his head. Lisa had bought us all new outfits ready for our pictures Riley in a denim shirt with pale brown chinos our little princess' in matching outfits little denim dresses with lemon flowers on them, yours truly in a denim shirt and chinos like Riley and my beautiful wife in a lemon sleeveless top and a pair of fitting and I say fitting jeans fitting over those gorgeous curves of hers I couldn't help but look this morning when she bent over to put on her boots at that ever so cute little backside. I'm so hungry for her I say hungry I mean starving she keeps saying soon and I will wait until she's ready but Jesus I don't think she realizes what she does to me.

"Right are we all ready to go then" Lisa shouts from the landing 

"What time will you be back lad" Dad asks 

"We should only be a couple of hours Dad" I say 

"Because remember we are due at Gino's tonight at six" Dad says 

"Yes we haven't forgotten looking forward to it getting everyone together" Gino is having a musical evening at the cafe and invited us so we are using it as an excuse to get everyone together it'll be the first time we've seen everyone since Freja was born. 

"Ben will you get ready" Lisa says getting herself into a panic 

"Sweetheart we've got plenty of time" I tell her 

"I don't want to be late" she says she's a bag of nerves, Gino has asked her to sing at the party tonight she said yes then immediately afterwards shouted at me "What the hell did I do that for" but I know she will be amazing I love to hear her sing everyone does. 

I will boost her up and she will be fine "you owe me" she says as I get to the bedroom door to get my shoes

 "I do" I ask 

"Yes you suggested it to Gino" she says 

"Because you have a beautiful voice Lissy and I love to hear it" I tell her she gives me the look 

"So how can I repay you then my darling" I ask she give me a cheeky grin 

"Well you could you know" she says 

"No darling I don't" she's lost me 

"You could you know" she says again I must look puzzled so she comes over to me tidying my collar 

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