Girl Talk

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It's about two in the morning when I come down for a glass of water, my sickness seems to have calmed a little so I'm making the most of it. It's cold even though I'm all wrapped up in the new pyjamas, and slippers from my babies and a lovely new dressing gown that Evelyn had given me for Christmas amongst other things. Ben must have told her what I liked as she had given me my favourite chocolates, a lovely Christmas CD Id been after, my favourite wine which will be put on hold of course, a new necklace from Next that I'd seen in the catalogue I've had so much stuff from Next this is Ben's doing as I'm always going on that its expensive. His Dad had given me a fifty pound voucher from there with the hat and gloves and new scarf again all next do you see a pattern too, so apparently I had no excuse not to buy from there anymore. I had been spoiled but not as much as Riley and Ellie they were so happy with the presents they had and it was lovely to see them playing with Ben and William together.

They had asked William if they could call him Grampa to which he happily insisted. Evelyn was Gran to them as she was to Ben, she was such a lovely woman and looked after me once we had broken the news about the baby. It made me think about going to the doctor when we got home as we had found out in a rush. I'd even done a second test Christmas Eve while Ben went out shopping just to be sure.

"Lisa cherub what are you doing down here at this time?" asked Evelyn I told her that I couldn't sleep and had come for a drink "How about a hot cup of tea that'll help you to sleep" she says "Are you feeling any better lovey?" she asks 

"I am thank you, I'm sorry to cause such a fuss, I feel like I'm spoiling things" she looks at me shaking her head 

"My darling you are pregnant, with my great grandchild that means I'll be fussing you whether you like it or not" sounds familiar I think. 

"You sound like Ben" I tell her 

"That's because he talks sense" she laughs "He learnt from the best" we laugh together. "You've got some colour back it's good to see, you can see that sparkle in your eyes that Ben told us about, before long you'll be glowing lovey" she says "that dressing gown fits you lovely" she says

"Oh it's so comfy Evelyn and so warm thank you so much for it and all my other presents you really shouldn't have" I tell her 

"of course I should have cherub you are family like I told you especially now" she says smiling.

She makes us tea and offers me a home made shortbread biscuit suddenly I'm hungry and she was pleased to see me eat. "Ben must have been shattered if he hasn't noticed you gone yet" she tells me. 

"I know he's very protective of me, I'm grateful he makes me feel so safe" I tell her she spots the bracelet on my wrist that Ben gave me 

"That's beautiful cherub" she says 

"A Christmas present from Ben" I tell her as she spots the engraving and smiles.

"He Loves you so very much cherub, he told me" she puts her hand on mine. 

"And I love him, he's saved me and my children. 

She smiles "He loves them like his own Lisa, as do we, they are wonderful children" she says "Ben told us what happened to you" I did know but hearing her mention it was a different thing. I bow my head. She lifts my chin "Your a brave girl lovey, that's one of the reasons why my Benny loves you" I feel those old hormones kick in again and tears form. "He's a good boy, he will look after you, I never thought I'd see him so happy not after what that bloody money grabbing bitch did to him" it was clear that Wendy really didn't have many fans. 

"I'd never hurt him Evelyn I know things have happened so quickly but I'm certainly not after his money" I tell her 

"I know my darling" she says 

"I love him for him" I say "I want his baby more than anything" She smiles "I hate her for what she did to Ben" I tell her  

"His bloody mother was no better she hurt my boy but worst than that she hurt my little Benny" I can see it hurts her too "Ben was the apple of my eye when he was born and his Grandad's when she left she took a piece of him with her, a piece that I didn't think he'd find again until he met you, you're his reason to live Lisa his reason to love." her words caused a twinge in my heart. "I could see tonight how happy he is about the baby" I knew this it meant everything to him. 

"As am I Evelyn I just need to build on my courage after everything" she knew what I meant 

"Let Ben give you that courage lovey, I know him he will give you all the love and support you need to bring this baby into the world" I get a warm feeling in my tummy knowing what she says is true.

"This is where you're hiding" says Ben coming out of nowhere "Sweetheart I was worried are you OK?" Evelyn looks at him as I stand up 

"She's fine lad we were just having a bit of girl talk weren't we lovey?" I turn wrapping my arms around Ben's waist 

"That's it girl talk" I wink at her 

"You've not been showing my baby pictures have you Gran?" she laughs 

"No lovey I'm saving them till tomorrow night" I laugh with her Ben pulls me to him 

"Right darling bed for you" he says to me. 

Evelyn gets up "For me too, goodnight you two, oh sorry you three" this makes us smile 

"Night Gran"

"Girl talk hey" he says grinning 

"Girl talk" I reply not letting him in on anymore.

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