Happy Birthday to our Disney Princess

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All packed up and ready to go, all of us a little sleepy as we have got an early start. Ben has booked us to go by train as I now realize there's only so much flying he's willing to do. The children sleep for most of the journey which is good as its a bit boring for them. Ben is sat reading his Daddy book which is sweet I've never seen him concentrate so hard, he nose wrinkling as it does. Dad and Gran are playing cards and in all fairness Gran is whooping Dads ass. I just sit taking everything in thinking back, this time last year I was planning our big escape, an escape that was to be the best thing I had ever done otherwise I would not be here now with the most amazing family I could've wished for. Baby Langley is wriggling around like mad as per usual if she's like this when she comes out we are in trouble I think. I miss my Dad not seeing him as much as I used to wasn't easy but we Skype regularly he wanted to see how big my bump was getting and to see the children. He said he would Skype Ellie on her birthday and come and see us for a week when we got back as he had some Holiday and would come and help Ben and Dad with the house, which was coming along Ben and Dad had done a lot of work before we left I couldn't wait to move in now, for our little baby to come for everything to be as it was meant to be, no one to spoil it.

We arrive the children have no idea where we are, we book into our hotel and we are standing in the lobby when Riley turns around "Daddy look its Buzz and Woody" he says spotting two life size characters in the restaurant downstairs 

"Is it where?" Ben says pretending 

"In there look" and Ellie runs to look too then she starts jumping up and down 

"Mummy seeping booty" as she spots sleeping beauty one of her favourite princesses 

"Oh you show me where lovey" Gran says to her. 

"Can I take your name please sir" the receptionist asks Ben 

"Yes it Langley and we are booked into the sleeping beauty suite and the suite next door" say what? I look at him "You're doing that thing again sweetheart" as he lifts my chin to close my open mouth. 

"Ben this is a five star hotel and you've booked us their best suite" I say to him 

"Hmm yep, next question" I dread to think how much it cost 

"It must have coat a fortune" I say to him 

"I didn't pay for it all darling" he says looking towards Dad and Gran "They wanted to do something for the kids after everything the same as me, so we've split it" glory be I start just trying to speak but nothing comes out he puts his finger to my mouth as he does "Hush darling rest that pretty little tongue of yours and just enjoy it OK" he says is there any point in arguing with him no not really so I keep quiet.

We head upstairs to our suite its stunning just amazing its like a little house I swear its bigger than our flat. We unpack some of our things and decide to head downstairs to the restaurant for some food. Well if we did Riley and Ellie go quite crazy every Disney character from every DVD they had was there coming up to the table to see them, Ben took pictures of the children with them Riley shaking hands with Woody and Ellie having a hug from Sleeping Beauty. 

"So who's your favourite Princess then Sweetheart?" Ben asks me and I have no trouble in answering "Princess Ariel of course The little Mermaid" he smiles 

"Hmm the Princess with the red hair, who risks everything including her beautiful voice to be with the man she loves" he says he watched it with Ellie too often. He just smiles at me. 

"So if you are Princess Ariel, does that make me your Prince Eric" he asks and he leans forward to kiss me 

"What the dashing handsome Prince who saves her, yeah I guess it does" I tell him. 

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