Pleasure in Pyjamas

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Monday had come round again and yet somehow I didn't care that I had to go to work because I knew Ben would be here when I came home. I'm awake well before the alarm but I was warm in bed and I'd been dreaming about Ben and me........together and when I woke from it I was trembling and there was this throbbing in between my legs, this was new.

The heat that Ben gave off was just as immense I wasn't used to it, I watch him yet again lying next to me it's like he's always been here. Having him this close to me was hard to handle because those feelings kept coming up, I wanted to touch him, wanted him to touch me, these last few nights feeling him that close was wonderful he did amazing things to and yet the thought of us having sex made me clam up, what the hell was I scared of, that it would feel like him, that it would hurt like him.

I was conscious that I had stopped Ben from going further. I certainly wasn't what you'd call experienced, there hadn't been a string of men before him.  Matt would just take what he wanted without a care until Sex became something I'd let him have so he would leave me alone but he had been rough, he'd hurt me I hated it, to me there wasn't anything nice about it no love at all. But Ben was different.

I watch as he slowly stirs and turns to look at me "Good morning  sweetheart" he says

"Good morning darling" I say moving closer to him

"You look flushed darling are you alright" he asks and suddenly my blush takes over and boom

"I'm fine just a little warm" I tell him

"You're awake early Lissy have you been having more bad dreams" he asks me and I shake my head

"I've been dreaming darling but not bad ones" I tell him

"Hmm sounds intriguing, are you going to tell me" he asks and I give my shy smile as he snuggles up to me

"Have you been having nice dreams baby" he says teasing me and I nod again "Tell me" he asks

"About you and me" I say and he smiles even more

"Yeah and what were we doing" he asks I bow my head, I can't tell him now and he gives a little laugh

"Don't be shy darling, you can tell me" he says lifting my chin

"Were we having fun" he asks

"Hmm" I say

"Were we in bed" he asks and I nod, he pulls me close "Darling were we making love" he asks and that ache that comes in my chest springs forth as I nod at him once more and he smiles at me "Oh Lis" he says

"But when I woke I got this......" I start

"what darling" he asks

"I had this between my legs" I tell him

"Did you baby" he asks so gently holding me so our noses are touching

"Did throbbing feel nice darling" he asks again with such a gentle loving tone

"Yes it did" I say "I don't remember feeling anything like it before"

"Show me where you felt it" he asks. I look at him, he's encouraging me but I'm happy to be led. I take his hand and place it between my legs feeling a dampness and he feels it too.

"You're wet sweetheart" he tells me the way he says it so loving and yet he's exciting me too. "I think you've come in your sleep" he suggests

"But I've never done that before, well I don't think" I whisper back

"It's alright sweetheart really it's beautiful" he says warming my heart "You are starting to feel what your body is wanting baby" he says as he puts his hand closer over the damp patch of my clothes making me gasp, but My god it feels so lovely, he is so gentle and he smiles as my breathing picks up as he gently rubs against my clothing "Is that nice darling" he asks so quietly not taking his eyes off me

"Yes" I say to him

"Do you want me to stop" he asks again and I shake my head

"No, don't" I tell him. He removes the duvet so we can both see. I like the sight of his hand on me along with the sensation.

"I want to make you come" he says in my ear

"But what about you" I say worrying slightly

"Darling this is for you, so relax" he tells me as he gently kisses me making this feel even better. I can't take my eyes off him yet I'm trembling at the thought of what he is doing to me "Oh my darling girl" he says to me and I smile "You really like that don't you" he asks and I tell him yes. "Can I put my hand under your clothes darling" he asks and I nod willing him to "Are you sure" he asks

"Touch me Ben" I ask of him and he does so slowly and lovingly place his hand under my pyjama bottoms touching me there, keeping that gentle rubbing going, causing a pulse to rush through me

"Ben" I call out to him

"Lis, you are so wet darling it's adorable" he says as he keeps rubbing and stroking driving me crazy with the way he's touching me and the way he speaks. It feels like I never want him to stop but he starts to rub a little faster as I feel a wave begin to flow over me taking me by surprise

"Jesus Ben" I utter as I swear I start to spasm
"Baby let me see you come" he says his words like the catalyst for this explosion that is erupting within me as I cry out. Ben smiles at me "Come baby" he says and I do until I have no breath left in me.

I'm trembling as Ben takes me in his arms I'm too out of breath to speak he is smiling almost laughing as he holds me to his face "Hmm you enjoyed that" he says and I look at him

"I did, you are bloody good at that" I laugh "why thank you" I tease

"It was my pleasure sweetheart" he says to me.

"I'd better make you a nice breakfast for that" I tease him and he laughs "You must think I'm some proper little innocent" I say to him

"Why darling why would I think that" he asks

"I don't know a thing about, you know, I've had two children, I'm thirty three and yet I've never had an orgasm like that" I say and he smiles

"Darling it's because you've never been shown how it should be" he cuddles me closer again "Lis, sex is supposed to be between two people, he never let you have that" his face changes "I despise him for what he has done to you, he's abused you as a woman taken everything from you until you are too afraid to let anyone see you, sweetheart I could see that day we went swimming you were so afraid for me to see you like that but please remember that I'm not him, when we are together it's you and me, just that" he says "I want to make love to you more than anything because I think that it would be wonderful between us I want you make you come until you can't take anymore" he tells me and we both laugh gently.

"Really" I say that teasing in my eyes.

"Oh yes darling imagine coming when I am inside you baby loving you like you deserve to be loved" he says "When you are ready just tell me and we can go somewhere that we can be alone together, warm, safe just you and me" he tells "Just tell me because when you are ready so am I" he says, My darling man, he did that, now I just wanted him more I had to fight my demons because I needed Ben.

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