Supper time and Swearing

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"Come on you two time for supper" Ben calls to Riley and Ellie and they follow him into the kitchen, he's like the pied piper with them he calls they follow they never do that for me, he's got them wrapped round his little finger where as I am wrapped around theirs the thought makes me smile to myself. 

"What are we having Mummy?" Riley shouts but Ellie has already spotted 

"Chippies" she shouts. 

"I'm having the most" Ben says teasing them both 

"No I am" Riley shouts 

"No me" shouts Ellie and I shout above them all 

"NO I am because I need chippies for baby too" they sit and look at me 

"OK Mummy", "OK Mummy" they both say followed by a 

"OK Mummy" from Ben who has his head down pretending to sulk like a little boy, so cute that I cant help but laugh. I put the food out and they grab at it like they haven't been fed for days. I watch Riley take a piece of bread and butter and fill it with his chips and take a huge bite 

"MMM delicious" he says Ben smiles at him. We only had chips once a week as a treat so there was never much conversation at the table consumption of them was much more important.

My appetite was better my sickness was manageable with the tablets, I darned not take them as it would bring it all back and up if you pardon the expression.I'd started back at work a few days ago and as much as Ben didn't like it, he couldn't hide that from me, he was willing to let me go. I loved my job I was good at it and it had been what paid for my escape and build the life I had. Mike kept an eye on me him and Ben had decided what I should and shouldn't do like a couple of old women.

I was ten weeks pregnant now and we were all set for our appointments. 

"I've rung the midwife this morning sweetie, she wants to see us this week" I tell Ben causing his eyes to light up 

"Great when do have to go?" he asks

 "Friday morning after we've dropped the kids off, I checked your class list before I booked it" he puts his hand on mine 

"its starting to become real now sweetheart" he was right with Christmas and the wedding we were just coaxing along with it all but now we were going to the hospital for my checks causing those nerves to creep in and of course that susceptible husband of mine picks up on them. "It'll be fine" he says winking at me.

I hadn't seen much of him lately he was working extra classes with the auditions for Grease that the college were putting on. He was humming the songs around the house and now and again would sing to me, John Travolta and Olivia Newton John had nothing on us our summer nights was a sight to behold. Oh how I would sit and fantasize about Ben being my tutor only it wasn't only singing that he was teaching.

"Right my little monsters bath time" I say scooting them into the bathroom, Ben clears up the table and the kitchen. When he gets to the bathroom operation wash down is well under way 

"Daddy" Ellie shouts splashing around with her little mermaid that changes colour when she puts it under the water. 

Riley has a water pistol "I'm going to get you Daddy" oh no please no and before either of us can do anything Riley has emptied the entire contents of his pistol all over Ben catching him mainly in the face causing the water to drip off the end of his nose, Ben is frozen in time so it seems and I am fighting hard not to laugh as the look on his face is priceless. 

"Riley" I shout "that's naughty say sorry to Daddy" but it is wasted as Ben is already having a fit of laughter 

"Right that's it" Ben shouts grabbing one of Ellie's squirter's and spraying it all over them both, war has been declared and there is water everywhere 

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