Can't Stop Thinking Of You

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Killian's Pov

I slowly trudged back into to the house and the only thing on my mind was Emma. I slowly turned the cold, metal doorknob and sauntered into the house. I walked over to the counter and made some coffee.

Those words Emma said keep ringing in my ears, repeating over and over again. Did she really think that we were a mistake?

My thoughts were on Emma, so I didn't even notice Henry coming down the stairs.

"Hey Killian."

"Hey lad," I say calmly.

But really, I didn't know what I was going to tell him.

"Is mom still asleep?"

"No," I pause and decide just to tell him the truth," Me and your mom had a bit of an argument, so she went to go get some fresh air."

"Ohhh," he sounds disappointed.

I mean the kid hasn't seen his mother for a few days and she was asleep last night, and now she had left.

"Well what can I get you for breakfast?" I say to break the awkward silence.

"Just a bowl of cereal."

I open the door to the pantry, grab the cereal and hand it to him.

After he ate his breakfast, in silence, he walks up to his room and shut the door.

Was he mad at me? Was he mad at Emma? Or was he just being a moody teenager?

My guess was on the moody teenager thing.

Emma's Pov

What was I thinking? Killian was just trying to help. He just wanted to know what was wrong and I pushed him away. He just wanted to protect me and comfort me and what did I do? I just ran away. I am so stupid. Now me and Killian are angry at each other.

I am driving down the roads of Storybrooke. I need to find a spot for me to just calm down. I drive past my parents new house. I consider going there, but stop myself thinking that I might spill the secret about the baby or just push them away too.

I end up parking down by the docks and sitting on the yellow curb that is above the ocean. I dangle my feet off the edge and stare off into beautiful sea. I think I drove around every place in Storybrooke before I came here.

Killian was right. The ocean is so peaceful and calming. I miss him already. I mean it has been, what, 27 minutes. I miss him so much. I just want to embrace him and let him hold me in his arms. I want to kiss his soft lips and tell him how much I love him. I just can't keep my mind off of Killian.

My head was screaming. I had a headache from yelling at Killian and crying so much in the past 24 hours. I haven't cried this much in my life. I have always had my walls up. I never let my emotions show, until Killian broke them down. With my walls down, now I have more freedom, but I am more likely to get hurt.

Maybe Killian is right. I need to trust him and not just a little bit. I need to put all my faith in him. I need to trust him like he trusts me. I love him and he would never hurt or leave me. I mean I may be right. I may have one more wall.  And that wall would be having a child and raising a child.

Last time I had a child I was all alone. And don't get me wrong, Henry was the best thing that ever happened to me, but I had to do it all alone. It scares me, having another child. And that is why I still have one more wall up, but I have faith that Killian will break it down.

I need to take this chance and trust him. I need to venture down this new path. I need to have faith. I need to take risks and love is risky. You're never sure what is going to happen, but it will make you stronger.

Me and Killian build each other up. And If two people are supposed to be together, they will always find each other. I know that now. I just need to take a step into the unknown and trust the people I love.

I hear my phone ring. It is Henry. I totally forgot that Henry is staying with us for the next few days. What was I going to tell him? I should go home for Henry, but I really wanted to avoid Hook right now. I pick up the phone and answer the call.

"Hey kid."

"Hey mom. Are you okay?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard about the fight."

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why don't you walk over to the docks and you and me can talk?"

"I'd like that."



"I'm sorry I wasn't there this morning. I just wanted some fresh air and don't worry me and Hook will figure this out. We both just need to cool down first."

"I know. Plus it is true love, remember,"

I couldn't help, but laugh at that. Henry was always looking at the bright side of things. He always believes the best in people.

"I love you Henry."

"I love you too mom."

I press the hang up button and return to my overwhelming thoughts.

I sit there waiting for Henry. It has been 18 minutes. Where was he?

"Emma?" A faint voice calls to me.

Standing there was the last person I wanted to see right now.

But at the same time that was the only person I wanted to see.


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