Arriving Home

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Killian's Pov
After much convincing, Emma finally allowes me to drive home from Boston. I could tell she was exhausted and I was too, but knowing I could let her sleep gave me all the energy I needed. We hardly slept on the plane and it was almost five in the morning in Boston with the time difference. We had been up for over 20 hours.

Emma is asleep curled up in the sleep, my hand in her lap, our fingers intertwined. I kiss her forehead as I stop at a red light. Her blonde locks messily placed around her cheeks. I drive past the Storybrooke sign and arrive in the small town. I squeeze Emma's hand gently. We are home.

I pull up to our house and park in the driveway. I bring our bags in and drop them off in our bedroom. I walk back outside to get Emma. I unbuckle her seat belt and pull her out of the car, into my arms. She shifts and nuzzles into my chest. I kick the car door shut and walk inside with my beautiful wife in my arms. I gently lay her on our bed and carefully change her into some pajamas. My phone starts to ring. I wonder who would be calling at 5 in the morning.

"Ello," I say sleepily as I answer the phone.

"Hey Killian," It is David.

"Hey mate. Why are you awake this early?"

"Well when you have a baby you learn to have an early instinctual alarm clock and two year olds don't tend to sleep past 6:00. So enjoy a good night's rest while you can."

I chuckle.

"Anyways, I assume you guys got home safely. That's just why I called."

"Yep we just barely got home."

"So how was the vacation?"


"And Emma?"

"She's good. Tired, but good."

"Okay well call us if you need anything."

"Will do. Thanks Dave."

He hangs up.

I change into some basketball shorts leaving my chest bare. I snuggle closer to Emma. She turns towards me, her eyes still closed. She absentmindedly lays her head on my chest, while sweet snores escaped her lips. I love that even in her sleep she knows that she needs me close. I fall asleep with the love of my life in my arms. The one person I can't live without.

Okay so hopefully all of you are surviving quarantine and you have enough toilet paper.

And I know I promised all hell to break lose, but I decided to give you one more chapter that was like the calm before the storm, so yeah!

Also hoping this helps fulfill your survival needs, because I don't know if I could survive without captain swan fan fiction or OUAT!

Yep I don't think I would.

They already halted Stranger Things 4 and The Bachelorette filming so it may only a matter of time before I go crazy. Although I still have Manifest season 2 streaming so hopefully I will survive. Hopefully...

Anyway you guys are amazing. STAY HEALTHY.


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