Never Safe

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Killian's Pov

My phone rings again.

This time it is David.

I sigh, but pick up.

"Listen I know Emma is mad..." I try to break the fuse, but David cuts me off.

"Henry's in the hospital with Emma. You have a lot of explaining to do, but Henry needs you," David yells through the phone.

"Wait Dave," I say before he hangs up, "What happened?"

"We don't know," he sighs.

Emma's Pov

After I called the ambulance and Regina, I picked up the phone to call Killian. He didn't answer. I was furious.

He locked me in a room and then ignored my calls. How could he love me and do this to me?

I slammed my phone down and called David after Henry and me hopped into the ambulance. He answered immediately.

"Hey. What's up?" he answered.

"It's Henry. Someone attacked us with magic, they somehow possessed Henry or something. We're on our way to the hospital," I ramble.

"Slow down Emma. What happened?" David said calmingly.

"My husband locked me up in my house so that he could go stop whoever this is by himself. And he sent Henry to keep me company till he got back, but someone with magic somehow possessed Henry and now we are on our way to the hospital. Dad. I don't know if Henry is going to be okay," I say, trying not to cry.

"Emma everything is going to be okay. Me and your mother are on our way to the hospital right now... Wait Hook did what?" David says angrily.

"It doesn't matter. I don't want to talk to him, but he needs to know. He ignored my call. Will you call him?"

"Of course, but you'll know I'll skin him..." my dad says through the phone.

I cut him off, "Don't worry about it. I'll do it myself, but I got to go. Henry needs me."

"Emma...," he says.

I hang up, holding onto Henry's limp hand. He has a mask delivering oxygen to his lung and he helplessly lays there, while we race to the hospital.

When we get out of the ambulance, they wheel Henry down the hall on the stretcher. I am forced to let go of his hands.

"Ma'am you have to wait here. We will take care of him from here," one of the nurses tells me, as she pushes me away.

I let go unwillingly and I hold in a breath as they wheel him down the hall, shouting.

Regina walks in moments later, "Where is my son?"

"The doctors took him," I say staring down the long hallway.

"Emma are you okay?" she puts her hand on my shoulder.

I shake my head, "No."

Killian's Pov

"Where's Henry?" I barge into the hospital waiting room.

Snow, Charming and a crying Neal sit in the uncomfortable hospital chairs.

"He is in the room with Regina and Emma, 213," Snow says.

I start to march off towards the room, but a tired David walks up to me to stop me, "I don't think that is such a good idea, Hook."

"And why is that?" I say angrily.

In The Darkest of Times (CaptainSwan)Where stories live. Discover now