Living For Love

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Here we go. Another chapter down. Tell me what you guys think, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Have an awesome day. (Just make sure to stay home and/or stay 6 feet away from other people.) Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!!! Let's get on with the story, shall we.


Emma's Pov
"So are you going to put me on house arrest now that we are home?"

Killian walks up to me, grabbing my hips.

"You're the Sheriff, Swan. I think you are the one who does the arresting."

"Haha, very funny, but really when am I getting out of the house next?"

"Emma?" he raises one of her eyebrows.

"I am just saying. It was two days last time and you have a right to be worried, but I am not a damsel in distress," I say raising my hands, in defense.

"Boy do I know that. There have been many a times where you ruined my dashing rescue attempts. But no house arrest."

"What?" I think he can tell by the look on my face that I am more than surprised.

"Well... what I mean by that, is that I can't stop you from living your life. David taught me a very valuable lesson."

"And what was this advice?"

"Well, love, he told me that anyone could die any day, but we can't live in the fear of that. I have just got to wake up and love the people I care about as much as I can each and every day. And I am not saying I am giving up on protecting you or that I believe that fate controls our destinies, but if I knew there was no way I could save you and that you were to die today I would do everything I possibly could to show you how much I love you. And I want to live every day like that, because that is how much I love you. I told you, I am in this for the long haul. Doesn't mean I won't worry or be overprotective at times, but I am going to try to live in a matter of my love for those around me, instead of the fear that losing those people gives me."

I smile.

"I like that. And as my life is unexpected as the Savior, I never know what's going to happen, but know that anything I do is because I love you and I need you and our family to be safe."

"I know," the corner of his cheek turns upward.

"I love you from the bottom of my soul, Killian Jones."

"And I you."

"So now that I am not on bed rest, does that mean I can do this?" I say, jumping on his waist.

He chuckles as he catches his balance.

"Your heart's desire, Swan. I promise that's all I want you to have."

He slowly lets me down on my feet as our lips meet. He cups the back of my neck, holding me like the most precious thing in the entire world. Our lips match in a battle of gentle passion. We both pull away slowly, gazing into each others loving eyes.

"This doesn't mean we are defying the doctors order, though."

"And there is my husband. I was wondering how long it would last," I say playfully.

Killian kneels down to my stomach level, "Your mother just can't handle sitting still, now can she?"

"You're already turning our child against me and making them a daddy's child?"

"Never, I am just making sure they know who will be the fun parent."

I pretend to be offended, "I can have fun and be fun. Plus if we have a girl, I don't know if you are going to be the fun parent when she's 16."

"Maybe, but I will still be the cool parent."

"I am sure Henry would disagree, considering his reaction to every time you bring up Violet."

"Fine, I guess we'll just have to see how this little pirate thinks of her amazing parents," he holds my stomach.

My features fall. He plants a kiss on my belly button and returns to my eye level. I look in any direction, but Killian's gaze.

"Emma. I said it. We are going to be amazing parents, together. You're going to be an incredible mother and care for our children like no other. Okay? Stop doubting yourself."

I nodd and smile weakly.

"Now how about we actually go and meet up with your family, like we are supposed to? I bet Henry is worried sick."

"Ours. It's our family. And yes. That sounds wonderful," I say.

I am still unconvinced that I am right for the job that the human growing in my stomach required. I hardly thought I qualified, but Killian always sparked new hope in me. He is going to make an amazing father.

What do you think? Who is going to be the fun parent? Emma or Killian?

I love all your comments so keep them coming!!!

You are all amazing!!


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