In Sickness and In Health

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Emma's Pov
"It's too late Emma," Mr. Gold says.

"Just hang in there," I plead, "You never even had a chance to see Henry...  for him to remember you."

"It's okay. He doesn't need to. He just needs to know that, in the end, I was a good father. I saved this for you, to give to you again. Take it."

He hands me the swan necklace that he got me back before I got sent to jail. I try to hold back the tears, but my attempt is in vain. The tears run down my cheeks.

"Go find Tallahassee... even if it's without me."

"Neal," I beg.

"Hey. I'll be watching over you guys from somewhere. Promise me... Just prom... Promis me you'll both be happy."

"I promise... I promise," my heart breaks slowly.

"No, no, no, no. I can't fix this," Gold intervenes.

Neal uselessly tries to bat him away, "No, you can't. You can't. Thank you papa, for showing me what it is to make a true sacrifice. It's about saving the ones that you love."

"No," Gold continues to deny the fact that he can't save his son.

"It's my turn now."

"No. I don't want to let go."

"I need you to. Please, let go."

"I love you, son."

"I love you"

Neal dies in my arms. I cry and pull him closer to my body.

My eyes flash open. I am awakened by yet another nightmare. It is only 5:30. I am covered in a cold sweat, my hands are shaking, the last of my tears run down my cheeks, and I am breathing heavily. Just like the night before. What is wrong with me? Two nightmares in a row about losing the people I love.

Killian is gladly still asleep. I would feel bad if I would have woken him up again. I carefully, skillfully crawl out of his loving arms and walk downstairs. I walk out the front door. I sit on the wooden bench on the porch. I am hoping to cool off and settle my nerves.

I sit there for a while, just breathing in the fresh air. After a few minutes my eyelids feel heavy, so I walk back inside and get back in bed. Soon I doze off into blissful sleep.

- - - - - - - - - -

I wake up feeling more nauseous than yesterday and the day before. I try to fall back to sleep, but my stomach keeps churning.

Somehow Killian's arms are around me. Even though I remember waking up and falling back asleep without them around me.

Suddenly, nausea hits me. I scramble out of Killian's arms. I jump out of bed and run towards the toilet. I vomit into the toilet. I feel horrible.

Somebody behind me holding up my hair. Killian. Gosh, I love him. Killian rubs my back.

"Shhh," he said comfortingly.

I sit back onto my heels.

"You okay love?"

"I think so."

But I spoke to soon. I place my hands on the rim of the toilet and vomit a few more times.

"It is okay, love. You're okay," he says gently.

Once I was finally done, I wipe off my mouth off and flush the toilet. Killian sits down on the bathroom floor and pulls me into his lap. He continues to rub my back. I nuzzle my nose into the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry."

"For what love?"

"You didn't have to see that. I am fully capable of taking care of myself."

He pulls me out of our embrace so he could look me in the eye.

"No. No. No. Emma I am here for you no matter what. I don't care if for the next nine months you are sick every morning. I will be here for you, okay? Promise to never say something like that again?"

"I promise."

"Emma, my lovely wife, you don't ever have to be alone. I will be here by your side always, okay? Remember our vows, in sickness and in health."

I nod.

He pulls me closer to him.

"Gosh, I hate morning sickness," I whisper.

"I know, love. I know."

He draws random shapes on my back. He places a few kisses on my jawline. I turn to face his lips. He stares into my eyes. He cups my face. Our lips connect perfectly. His hands move from my face to my lower back, pulling me closer. I slide deeper into his lap, straddling him. My hands immediately go to his hair. I dig my fingers into his soft locks. He pulls away first. My hands move and land on his chest.

"Come on. Let's get you back in bed," he whispers.

He carries me, my legs wrapped around his torso, and gently lays me down on the bed.

"What time is it?"


"Killian I can't go back to sleep. We have an appointment with Dr. Whale at ten and Henry has his date at one. And I should probably go help David at the Station for a few hours before the appointment," I say while sitting up and swinging my legs to the side of the bed.

"No love. You are going to stay right here and rest. I will wake you up when it is time to go to the appointment. David can handle the station."

"Killian. I am pregnant. I don't have the flu."

"Emma," he says sitting down on the side of the bed and laying me back down, "You are growing a whole new human inside of you. You are going to need as much rest as you can get."

"Fine," I give in.

Killian stands back up and walks into the closet. I wait a few seconds. I stand up and follow him.

"Where do you think you're going?" I say as I wrap my arms around his stomach.

"Emma! What did I say?"

"You told me I have to go back to sleep, but I couldn't possibly fall asleep without a certain someone holding me close to him."

"Emma. I am going to get Henry and you some breakfast. Then I am going to help David. I can cuddle with you later."

"Henry is old enough to make his own breakfast and I am not that hungry. David can wait. You told me so yourself. I for one, don't think I can wait," I whisper into his ear seductively.

"Emma! You're impossible."

I smirk and smile at the same time, trying to contain my laughter.

"Okay, love. Go hop in bed. I am going to check on Henry and then I will come join you. Does that work?"

"I suppose so."

He quickly, but lovingly pecks my lips."

"Okay. Now go lie down."

I walk away. A few minutes later his comes back into the room.

I sit up. He stands in the doorway. I subtly bite me lip.

"You're a blasted siren. You know that?"

My smile reaches my ears. He comes and sits down next to me.

"And you love me for it."

"Aye. I do."

He kisses me passionately. After our lips break apart, he rolls over to the other side of the bed. He lays down beside me. He wraps his arms gently around me. He kisses the back of my neck and digs his nose into my hair. I lay my arms onto his. Both of our hands lay on my stomach. His thumb caresses the skin on my stomach. I quickly fall asleep in his protective embrace.

In The Darkest of Times (CaptainSwan)Where stories live. Discover now