I'm Here, I'm Always Here

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Killian's Pov
I need to get to her. I need to get to my Emma.

I force my eyes open, and sit up even through every muscle in my body throbs.

My skull pounds and my head rushes, going a thousand miles per hour.

The nurses immediately try to shove me back down on the gurney, but I shove them off ignoring the pain.

"Sir. Relax. You are seriously injured," one nurse tries to pin me back down to the bed.

"My wife," I gasp, finally realizing how dry my throat is.

"Sir. Your wife I'm sure has been alerted and is on her way now. I'm sure someone has taken care of that," she says.

I force my way past her, standing up. I immediately feel dizzy. I clutch the edge of the stretcher to keep my balance. The world around me twists and turns in every possible direction.

"Security," the nurse yells.

"No. Please," I beg, "My wife is in labor. I need to be there for her."

The nurse forces me to sit down, "Sir you can be there, when you're healed. Right now you are internally bleeding."

"No. I don't care. I'm not going to let her be alone," I fight against the nurse, pushing her out of the way, stumbling down the hallway.

Two guards run down the hallway. The security.

"Sir we must ask you to please sit back down," one of the guards replies.

I just keep walking toward the delivery room.

"Sir," one of the guards grabs my arm.

I shake him off.

They try to grab at me again.

I punch the first guard, knocking him to the floor, adrenaline rushing through every vein in my body. The pain is starting to fade from the heightened senses in my body. The only buzzing that hasn't faded, is the ringing of Emma's screams in my head.

The second guard comes barreling towards me, he wraps his arms around me, but I force him off of me kicking him in the gut. I probably look like I should be a psych patient, but I don't care. It's Emma that is what matters.

The nurse screeches in the background. I walk back grabbing the nurses arm, "Emma Swan? What room is she in?"

"Room 28. Delivery ward," she says afraid.

"Thank you," I say quickly before turning around and racing down the hallway to Emma.

I race through the hallways, the white lights blurring past me, singeing my vision, but I push further.

I make it to the maternity ward, but as I look at the room numbers, the writing becomes fuzzy and I can't make the numbers out.

I lean against the wall. The weight of the pain returning crushing me. The adrenaline seems to have worn off and I feel hopeless again.

I collapse against the wall, my vision almost nonexistent and my head ricocheting against my skull. My ears are ringing.

I'm not going to make it. Everything is dragging me underneath the surface. Air is slowly getting sucked out of my lungs.

"Emma," I croak, collapsed on the ground.

I feel weak and like a disappointment. There are so many promises I am breaking lying on this hospital floor unmoving, almost unconscious.

Emma please forgive me, I beg through what's left of my brain power. What will I ever be able to do to make up for leaving her alone.

I said I would be there for her. I said I would not let her do this alone. And yet here I am a miserable heap of a man, with my wife in the exact position I vowed to never let her face.

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