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Killian's Pov

"Paddles," a nurse yells, yanking down the thin hospital sheet from my wife's chest.

I can only stand there and watch in complete and utter horror. I hardly push back when nurses push me out of the room. Another takes the crying child from my arms.

"No please. That's my daughter," I beg, trying to grab the baby back.

"Sir we will take care of her," she says

I reluctantly give up my fight and look back to my wife. Pale and unconscious on the bed, looking frail.

"Clear," the nurse yells.

Everyone's hand's fly from the hospital bed, as the nurse presses two defibrillators to Emma's chest. The paddles send a shock into Emma's body and her body convulses shortly.

No. This can't be happening. My Emma's alive and well. We have our daughter and life is going to be okay.

Emma's not dead on that table. My love is not dead.


True love.

True love's kiss.

A sleeping curse. How could I have not thought about that?

I race back into the room. Nurses try to shove me back out the door, but this time I fight back.

"Sir, we need to take care of your wife," one of them say.

"Again," the nurse with the paddles says, shocking my Swan again.

"No. She. needs me," I yell over the commotion, trying to get past the swarm of nurses.

"Mary call this man's family and security, we need to get him out of her," the nurse pushing me back calls to another nurse.

"Please. Let me see her. She needs true love kiss. It's a sleeping curse," I say fighting, trying to get to Emma.

"Mr. Jones..." the nurse says to me.

"Wait, Christine, he may be onto something," Whale interrupts her.

The nurses stop pushing me back.

"If this does work, it will be our last shot. If not, she will be gone. It has already been two and a half minutes since flatline. Even if we do manage to start her heart, the brain damage will be irreversible.True love's kiss is our last hope at this point," Whale nods to me.

I suck in a breath, taking in the news.

"Hold on to hope," I tell myself, "Don't give up yet."

My hand starts to shake at the idea of losing Emma and that this is actually happening. That she may not come back from this. It kills me from the inside out. My organs twisting and looping between each other, not in the places they are supposed to be. My lungs in my throat and my heart on the floor.

Walking over to Emma, I regain air, sitting down next to her.

"Can I have a moment?" I ask.

"Of course," Whale says, and hurries the nurses and other doctors out of the room.

I take Emma's hand in mine. Her hand is cold and a shade lighter than usual. Only trails of warmth run through her veins. The slow cooling of her body, yet another sigh that she is dead.

I entwine our fingers together. Her fingers falling limp, as mine wrap across her knuckles. I sigh when the door closes behind them.

"Emma, if you can hear me. Don't leave me. Don't let go. Your daughter needs you. Your family needs you," I say, tears brimming in my eyes, "I need you."

In The Darkest of Times (CaptainSwan)Where stories live. Discover now