You Lied To Me

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Emma's Pov

"Great idea Henry. Your sibling thoroughly enjoyed it. I think she already has inherited her family's desire to kick ass," I sling my arm over Henry's shoulders and we both laugh.

Henry says silent.

"What it is?" I ask.

"You said her. You think it's a girl?"

"Oh Henry, it was just a word. I have no idea what gender this child is."

"Mother's intuition," Henry gives me a look, "Hook's so going to lose."

"Well... it's... just...," I stutter, "Wait you and Hook were betting on your sister."

"See you said it again. I'm totally having a sister."

I shake my head, "So what exactly was the reward for guessing the gender of your sibling," I put extra emphasis on the sibling part. Honestly I have no idea what the sex of my child is. It was just a slip up.

"One week of doing the other person's chores and bragging right for forever," Henry says proudly.

"You two never grew up. Did you?" I shake my head at my son and husband's childness.

"Nope, but you wouldn't want me to. Would you?"

"Never," I pull him closer to me.

"Speaking of siblings, it's going to be hard to explain the family tree to my sister," Henry does the emphasis on 'sister', restating his point.

"I think we'll figure it out."

"Well I think I know how to make it easier," Henry adds.

"What are you thinking?"

"Do you think Killian will mind if I call him dad? I mean I understand if you don't want to or if Killian doesn't want me to," Henry rambles.

I stand there in shock for a few seconds. I never thought this day would come.

"No," I take Henry by the shoulders, "Killian would love that. Do you know how hard he is trying to be a part of your life? Henry, Killian would love nothing more than to call you his son."


"Really," I pull him in for a hug.

As he pulls away I ask, "Are you sure this is just because it would make it easier on your sibling?"

"Well I have two moms, but I don't have a father. And I know Killian acts like a father, but I have always wanted to call someone dad. Because I didn't get to do it a lot before," Henry sincerely answers.

"You know even before Killian and me were together, I saw the way he looked at you. He has longed for a child to care for. And I know your father is looking down on us, protecting us, but I think he would want for you to have a father to look after you here and protect you like he would."

"I know. So what do you say? Pizza for lunch?"

"Sure. Why pizza?" I laugh, nothing can come between a teenager and food. Or a pregnant lady. I am famished.

"To honor dad. He loved pizza.  And because Granny's has been the only thing on our menu lately."

"Sounds perfect. I love you Henry."

"I love you to mom," I hug him again.

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(Okay before I go and reveal everything. Any last minute guesses at what Killian has been up to?)

Then let's continue

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I pull up to our house and get out of the car. Henry and I walk inside.

"Hello love," Killian pulls me in for a kiss.

"Rather affectionate today aren't we," I pull away.

"It's your birthday. Let me spoil you. Now come on I got one more present."

"Killian...," I whine.

"Nope. I'm spoiling you. Remember?"


Killian drags me upstairs to our guest bedroom. Henry follows. They are both smirking, like they are trying to hide their pride.

"Okay. What are you two up to?" I turn back to face them, "There's something you're not telling me."

Killian then steps beside me and opens the bedroom door. I spin back around.

I gasp.

"Is that what I think it is?" I freeze by the door in shock.

"Aye," Killian says as Henry nods.

"But, how? It's impossible," I drop my hand from my mouth.

"Not as impossible as you may think, love. You see we may have camped a little beyond Storybrooke," Killian smirks.

"You lied to me," Emma turns to him.

"But for good reason," Killian takes my hips, "I thought of it during our honeymoon and I just knew I needed to get it for you. For our child."

I walk over to the crib. It was my old crib from the Enchanted Forest, the one I was supposed to use, all refinished and fixed. I trace my finger over the edge of the crib, tears springing from my eyes.

Glass swans spin over the crib. Two bookshelves line the yellow painted walls. A wooden rocking chair sits in the corner, with a wooden boat steering wheel hung over it. I am sure it was Killian's own personal touch. A blanket similar to mine lays neatly in the crib, waiting for a name to embroidered on it.

Tears pour down my cheeks and suddenly I imagine my child sleeping here, saying their first words here, and walking for the first time here. I had thought of it before, because that's what a baby meant, but for the first time I really, really imagine a future here. And I couldn't be happier about it. I never thought I would get this, a home and a family that loves me.

"Looks like you pulled it off nicely, dad," Henry says.

Killian freezes and I smile ever bigger. Killian glances back at me, making sure I'm hearing it to. In response, I smirk and smile.

"I couldn't have done it without you lad," Killian gives Henry a man hug, but Henry wraps his arms around Hook and gives him a real hug.

Killian nervously wraps his arms around Henry, but sighs in relief, realizing this isn't just a dream.

"Henry I don't want to replace Baelfire..."

"You're not. But you're my dad, whether genes say it or not," Henry cuts him off and Killian just hugs him tighter.

It's a precious moment to witness. Henry pulls me in with them. I hug my husband and our son.

This has been the best birthday ever.

"So how was this laser tagging event?" Killian asks.

"You knew?" I exclaim.

"Of course I knew. I needed Henry to get you out of the house while me and your parents put the nursery together. And it wasn't my bloody secret to tell. It was the lads," Killian says.

Henry and I laugh.

"You guys are going to need to tell me how you got to the Enchanted Forest in the first place and how you got the crib. Because I'm sure it wasn't an easy task. And don't think for a second that you can avoid the subject," I demand, playfully.

"It's a long story," Henry sighs.

"Aye. How 'bout we tell you the tale over dinner?"

What do we think? Did you expect it to be that? Or not? And other thoughts?

Also what would you guys think of doing a flashback to what happened in the Enchanted Forest. Yes? Or No?

I can either go back and tell that story. Or I can continue on to tell the story that I have planned. Your guy's choice. I don't have an opinion either way. This book is just getting kinda long, but if you want this to be a long book then I am 'A' okay with that.

Thanks you guys!


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