Our Little Poppy Seed

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Emma's Pov
Henry is at home, still asleep at ten o'clock, typical teenager. I leave him a note saying where we had gone and that we have breakfast in the fridge for him. He is perfectly capable of taking care of himself and we would be home in an hour or so.

Killian and I sit together on the uncomfortable couch in the Storybrooke hospital waiting room. I sit in Killian's lap, his arms around my waist, his hand and hook resting on my stomach, and his head rest on my small shoulder.

My fingers and legs won't stop fidgeting and moving. Not because of impatience, but because of worry. I take deep breaths in and out subconsciously. I guess it is true what they say in the movies. It is a mother's job to always worry. I always worry about Henry, but now I have two children to worry about.

Killian must have noticed how tense I felt. He slowly moves his hand from my stomach down to my constantly moving fingers. His palm covers my hand stilling the subconscious movement of every muscle twitching in anxiety, with a simple touch. He caresses my hand with his thumb lovingly to calm my nerves even more than he already has.

His ocean eyes burn into the back of my head. I turn to match his eyes. His face is full of concern. I send a comforting smile his way telling him that I am okay. He sends a doubtful expression back as if there was a silent conversation going on between us, no words were needed.

I lean closer to him and run my hand down his chin, his scruff rubbing against the palm of my hand, and our noses barely touching. He is staring deeply into my eyes, concern filling every inch of his.

"I'm fine," I whisper.

I lay a gentle kiss on his scruff covered cheek and that is all that was needed to satisfy his questioning of my well being, even though he knew I was worrying more than I needed to. He doesn't respond. He just forced a smirky smile to rise upon his face. I shake my head and roll my eyes at his flirtatious gesture. I run my hands down his arms before turning back to look at the empty, white hospital walls.

"Emma. Emma Swan," a hospital nurse calls us from the desk across the room a few moments later.

I take Killian's hand and we walk over to the desk.

"Emma Swan?" she asks as we walk up to her.

"Yep. Except it is Emma Jones now."

I can feel Killian smirk behind me as he put his hand to my hip, knowing that I was his and only his.

"I will make sure to change that in the hospital records. If you could wait in room 37, down this hallway, on your right. Dr. Whale should be with you shortly."

When we arrive in the room, I go to sit up on the bed covered in crinkling paper. As I pull myself up on to the bed, Killian comes up to me and put his hands on my hips, to lift me up onto the bed.


"I know. I know. I can't do everything for you," he says as he raises his hands up in defense, "but I sure wish I could. You're my beautiful wife and I like to spoil you sometimes," he finishes speaking while tucking a loose piece of  wild hair behind my ear.

I roll my eyes and give him the look of "you're impossible and your never going to learn, are you?"

He lays a kiss on my forehead before hopping onto the bed next to me and hold his hands around me protectively. He is being so quiet. It isn't uncomfortable, but I wonder if he was just as nervous as I was.

Dr. Whale comes in a few minutes later and sits down in the wheeling chair in front of Killian and I, with a clipboard in hand. He still hasn't changed his bleached hair back to its original dirty blonde color.

"So how are my favorite newlyweds?" he says finally looking up from his clipboard,

"We've been doing great," I reply.

"Looks like things have been busy. I mean I never really saw you after the wedding and then there was the Black Fairy's curse, and then... well you know. Things are always crazy here in Storybrooke. Seems like things have finally calmed down a little bit around here. But it also looks like things are going to get a bit crazy at the Jones house."

"Yeah," I tuck my head into Killian's chest.

"Okay. So, Killian, Emma we are just going to do some of the usual pregnancy tests, to make sure that you and the baby are healthy. If you could please lift up your shirt, Emma."

I did as he told me. Whale moves his hand to place a shiny stethoscope on my stomach.

"Woah, mate," Killian says and blocks Whale's hand from getting his hand any closer to my stomach.

"Killian," I say as I moved his hand out of the way, "It's okay. He is just going to check me and the baby. He is not going to do anything."

"If you so much as lay one finger out of line on my wife, this hook right here will plunge..."

Killian is interrupted by Whale chuckles to himself. I think Killian turned slightly red.

"You don't have to worry about me. I have my own woman to worry about."

"Wait what?" I exclaim, "Who?"

"I mean we are not together or anything, but I have been thinking about asking her out. Her name is Lucy. She recently moved here from the Land of Untold Stories. She came to me asking if I had any information on her brother, so I checked the hospital records. Unfortunately I haven't found anything, but things are going pretty good between the two of us."

"Wait? Lucy Pevensie?"

"You know her?" he questions.

"Hook, Henry, and I met her the other day when we went bowling. She seems really nice. I am so excited for you."

"Thanks. Anyway we are here for you guys, not me. Let's get this appointment started."

"Okay, but Whale could we keep this between you, me, and Killian? Because I haven't quite gotten around to telling my parents or anybody quite yet."

"Sure thing. Now are you ready to here your baby's heartbeat?" he says reaching over to place the cold stethoscope on to my bare stomach.

I turn to Killian our smiles both beaming out from our faces.

Whale and Lucy One Shots, Anyone?

I'd love to do some if you guy think that's a good idea. If not I will just stick to CaptainSwan, A.K.A. the best ship.


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