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Emma's Pov

Regina, Mary Margaret, David, Killian and I are all gathered at the station. We are all huddled over Lucy's drawing. Killian's arm is draped around my waist.

"So she said that this man carried a key with a symbol like this on it?"

"Yes and I was hoping that it might lead us to him."

"Well it's not like we can put a locator spell on it," Regina sarcastically points out the obvious.

"I know, but I was hoping maybe we could find out where this guy is from and what he wants with a locator spell," I input.

"Sounds like a good plan, but how are we supposed to decipher these squiggly lines?" Kilian points to the picture.

"Well I was hoping you could tell us," I place my hand on his chest.

"Me?" Killian asks.

"Lucy said that it was a military insignia. Maybe you recognize it or have seen it on one of your voyages," I smile at him.

"Aye. I'll see what I can do," he turns the picture around with his hook, "I'm afraid I have never seen this symbol before. I'm sorry, love."

"It's alright," I sigh, "It was a long shot anyways.

"Sorry I'm late," Belle walks in with an armful of books.

She sets the books down on the desk, "May I see the drawing?"

"Of course," Mary Margaret hands it to her.

"Have you seen it before?" I ask.

"No, but I might be able to find something about it in the library. Do you mind if I take this with me?" she replies.

"Not at all, let me just make a copy," I place my hand over it.

"Emma, wait," Killian calls.

But it's too late. I duplicate the photo with my magic.

The pain in my stomach returns. I gasp, clutching my stomach.

"Emma?" my mother calls.

Killian holds me up as I collapse into him. He helps me over to the chair and sits me down gently. He kneels down in front of me, taking my hand. I grip his hand, breathing through the immense pain. Killian's eyebrows furrow, worried. The pain subsides, slowly, and I release my clasp on Killian's hand.

"You alright, love?" he asks, tilting his head.

I nod, "This is going to take some getting used to, not using my magic."

Killian just nods, his eyebrows still furrowed.

"We need to figure out what this is," Regina points to me, " And by the looks of things, sooner rather than later."

I nod.

"Belle. Emma and I will come by the library later. Maybe we can find something there. I'll have Zelena check my vault," Regina plans.

"Aye. I'm coming with you," Kilian rubs circles around my knuckles.

I know disagreeing with him wouldn't be the wisest thing, so I don't.

"Hey," Henry walks in, finished with school.

"Hello lad," Killian says.

"So what's up with everyone here?" Henry sets down his backpack.

"We're trying to track down the man that stole the locator potion from Emma's house," Regina hugs Henry.

"Any leads?" he asks.

"Not yet. But we were hoping that maybe your Story Book has something in it on him. We were just planning to go down to the library. Want to join us?" I smile at my son.

"Of course. It will be operation... night owl," Henry walks over to me.

"Operation Night Owl, it is," I give him a hug.

"Well I will be off to the library to start. You are all welcome to join me at any time," Belle picks up her books again.

"We will be over there in a little bit. Thank you Belle," I say as she walks out of the station.

"David and I will join you," Mary Maragaret says.

"You guys don't have..." I get interrupted by my mother.

"Nonsense. We are going to help you find this man and help our grandchild."

I nod.

"Well let's head over to the library then," I smile at Killian.

"Aye," he says kissing my cheek.

I can feel the desperation to figure out what is happening to me basically radiating off of him.

Not great chapter, but here it is! Next chapter we will have more CaptainSwan moments. I promise.


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