Most Important People

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Killian Pov's
Emma is huddled into my chest, exhausted after today. I trace random patterns across her growing stomach. We sit on the couch while Snow and David make hot chocolate for us all in the kitchen.

"Killian, can we talk to you?" David asks, Snow following closely behind.

"Aye. You stay here love," I kiss her lightly on the lips, "I'll only be a moment."

I pull myself out from underneath Emma. Usually, Emma would fight back saying, "Whatever you can say to him you can say to me," and get angry at her parents for treating her like a child, but Emma is too exhausted to say or do anything.

This magic took a lot out of her, a lot more than it did the rest of us and it worries me. I leave her reluctantly, as she turns to cuddle up into the blanket around her, her eyes closing slowly.

She can barely fight the sleep that is overcoming her. She doesn't even say anything to me as I walk away, into our kitchen.

I sigh, closing the kitchen door behind me.

"How are you holding up?" Snow asks.

"Emma's exhausted and not acting like herself, but other than tired I hope and pray she's okay," I trace my fingers across my forehead, distraught.

"We didn't ask how she was. She's strong. She'll make it through. How are you, Killian?" David asks.

"What do you want me to say? My child and wife are being threatened. I'm not necessarily jolly," I growl.

"Killian I hope you know we are here for you. We want to..." Snow says.

"Hope. Is that all you got? I think I am going to need something a lot stronger than that. Hope is just not going to cut it this time," I say angrily, cutting Snow off.

"Killian we know you're worried," David adds.

"Of course I am worried," I slam my fist on the marble counter, "I'm bloody terrified. Someone is after my wife and child. Emma practically passed out as soon as we got home today and she had to give up her magic to protect our baby. I don't know when or where they could get hurt, but I know that I have to stop it and if I can't then I've failed. I have failed the thing that matters most in my life and that is Emma and my kids. I can't," my voice crack, "I can't afford to fail this time. Too much is on the line," I bit my lip, holding back the tears.

I breathe heavily, trying not to seem weak, but letting the tears fall from my eyes.

"And that's why you have us. There is no way that all of us together can't save Emma. Just relax, we will find a way to save our family," David grips my shoulder.

"It's what we have always done, saved the ones we loved and we haven't failed yet," Snow says, trying to help.

I can't help but feel guilty. If I just hadn't given into darkness. Emma and everyone would have never come to the underworld and Robin wouldn't be dead. If only I could've been strong then Snow's statement would be true.

But the truth is we haven't always succeeded in saving people. Robin is dead and it's all my fault. And soon my wife and my child will be on the chopping block too.

I will not let that happen. I would do anything to put my head in front of the train rather than let either of my children or my Emma face the gallows.

"David. What do I do? How can we save them?" I plead.

"First we need to stop this magic from attacking the town and to do that we need to figure out what this is, but meanwhile we need to keep Emma and the baby out of danger, which won't be the easiest task once Emma is once again herself. You need to convince her that this is one of the battles she can't face, because with her in the crossfire anything can happen." David gets protective of his daughter.

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