Smokey Kisses

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Killian's Pov
Two Days Later

"You sure you can handle getting that to Marco? I can stay and help if you need me to," I ask David through his truck window that is rolled down.

There is a huge package in the back of David's truck covered by a tarp.

"I'm sure I can get it to him. Henry and I got it, right kid?" David ruffles Henry's hair in the passenger seat of the truck.

"Yeah. Me and gramps got this. Go take care of mom."

"Sure thing lad," I walk away from David's truck as they pull away from the grey house.

I rush up the porch step and open the front door.

"Emma," I shout.

"Killian?" she says coming down the stairs.

"Aye, love. It's me."

She meets me at the bottom of the stairs, immediately pulling me in for a kiss. I pull her against me, dropping my bags.

"You're home early," she whispers as we pull away from each other, just enough to place our foreheads together.

"I couldn't stand being apart for another day."

She giggles.

"Well I couldn't either, but you smell like smoke," she places her hands on my chest, "You could use a shower."

"Well campfires are a huge part of the whole camping thing, love. But if the lady insists. On one condition."

"And what would that be," she smirks.

"Care to join me, love?"

"Well how can I say no to my dashing husband? Although we probably want to do it sooner rather than later, or I might end up smelling like campfire too," she smiles, "But first there is someone that has missed you almost as much as I have. Your child hasn't let me go a single day without at least two grilled cheeses. I think she is developing her mother's coping skills. Which can be very unhealthy?"

I chuckle, kneeling down. She smiles mischievously, almost waiting for me to realize something.

"Emma! Look at you," I exclaim, holding her sides.

Her stomach has grown since the last time I saw her. It's still small, but it's a start to our future together and I couldn't be happier.

She bites her lip.

"You have a bump! That's our child," I stand up to her level.

"Well it was our child before too, but they are now the size of the plum. And in just a few weeks Doctor Whale said that we would feel their first movements. Not kicks or anything like that, just little flutters," her smile was so big it could have reached the sky.

"Really?" I ask.

I am so happy. This is all I have ever wanted. Emma's eyes sparkle.

Emma just nods, enthusiastically.

I pick her up and spin her around. I am so happy, I could burst.

"Killian! Put me down," she squeals.

"Not a chance," I say, pulling her legs around my waist.

I kiss her. She giggles into the kiss.

"Not how about that shower Mrs. Jones?" I ask, smirking.

"Certainly Mr. Jones, but first I need to do this," she leans in and kisses me, hard.

Cuteness all around! I love this chapter too much. I know I said that I was going to make this a bit of a longer chapter, but I decided to make the next chapter the long one.

So here you go folks! What do we think?

You guys are awesome!


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