Doesn't Feel Right

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Emma's Pov
We sit at our usual booth at Granny's, just chatting and eating like old times. Killian and I sit hip to hip, my head resting on his shoulder. We are currently in a conversation about possible baby names.

"There is no way I am letting my daughter name her child Leapold. I vetoed that name for my own child. I am not going to let Emma name her son that," David says.

Killian and I chuckle.

"He was a king and a very good one at that," Mary Margaret fights back.

"How about we talk about names for a girl?" I say, stopping my parents banter.

"What would you want Em?" Killian asks.

"I don't know. I have never done this before," I say looking to the ground thinking of Henry.

"Hey," he say, lifting my chin, "We are in this together. Okay?"

I nod.

"You also don't have to decide this now, love. The baby is not coming for another 7 months. We don't have to worry. Your parents are just suggesting some names."

My father takes my hand from across the table.

"Killian is right. Whatever you choose we will be happy. It's just a name."

"Thanks dad," I says looking down.

A name is a big deal. It sticks with them for the rest of your life. What if I mess that up? I wrap my hand around my mug of hot chocolate, suddenly a pain strikes my stomach, but goes as quickly as it came.

"How about Ava?" my mother suggests, "It was the name of my mother."

I don't respond, I am worried. Concern creases my eyebrows, worrying about the sudden pain.

"You all right, love?" Killian says drilling daggers into my skull. I am surprised he hasn't left a hole by now.

"Of course," I say, snapping my head to meet his gaze.

He looks uncertain.

"I'm fine Killian. I am going to use the restroom real quickly then I think we can head back home."

"I'll walk with you," Killian offers.

He is still worried from a few days ago. Never letting me out of his sight for more than a minute.

"I'm good Killian. I will be fine."

I get out from the booth and walk to the restroom.

Killian's Pov
My eyebrows are still furrowed when I watch her leave.

"Mate?" David says, "She will be fine, I promise you."

"Did she seem to be acting weird?" I ask.

"I don't think so," Mary Margaret says, "She seemed quiet, but a lot of times that's just Emma."

Something just doesn't feel right. I don't know what it was, but I a, worried it threatened both her and the baby's life.

"You're probably just paranoid, Killian. I know you said Emma was taking it easy and she is. She will be okay," Mary Margaret assures me.

But I don't listen. I just stare at the hall until I see Emma walk back down it. Something about her just didn't seem right.

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