Nothing Lasts

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Killian's Pov

Two And A Half Months Later

(Emma is Thirty Weeks)

"Killian have you seen my keys?" Emma calls from downstairs.

I jog down the stairs, "Not that I know of, love."

She paces back and forth in the kitchen looking for them.

"I need them, so I can drive the car today to David's," her hand run anxiously through her hair.

"Hey," I grab her waist, to stop her pacing.

There is a foot of distance between us, due to her large stomach. Two months will do wonders to a pregnant lady, but not necessarily to her husband.

She has pregnancy brain all the time, she complains about her swollen feet, and her hormones are off the chart. So I'm not surprised that she's lost her keys. They are probably somewhere around the house.

And it doesn't help that a magical sorceress threatened us. But things have calmed down since a couple months ago.

"Love, stop worrying. It's been almost three months and this villain doesn't show any sign of hurting us. We're going to be okay. Okay?" I gaze at her sternly.

"But what if she is just biding her time, so that she can hurt our baby?" Her brows furrow.

I can't help but hope that's not true as well, but I need to be strong for her, for us, and our family. She is carrying our child, so I must make sure she is as comfortable and as safe as possible.

"Regina put a protection spell around the house, we have gone over dozens of spell, and researched the symbol on the grave multiple times. This witch can do nothing. With all of the Charming clan and me, you have got nothing to worry about. So my gorgeous wife needs to stop worrying and work on growing this beautiful child inside of her." I assure her, bringing her as close to me as I can.

"Gorgeous is not a term I would use right now," Emma huffs.

"Why not?"

"I think the glowing period has ended and now you are left with a chubby elephant," Emma nose crinkles.

I chuckle, "Not true. This is the most beautiful you have ever looked carrying our child that will be here in only a matter of a few weeks. A child that you and me created together," I tuck a piece of loose hair behind her ear.

"I think not being able to see my feet is an unattractive quality," she rolls her eyes.

"I think it's the most attractive quality, second to your seductive little lip bit."

"You mean this?" she rolls her lip between her teeth, smirking.

"You little siren. Now I am going to call David to pick you up to have lunch with Mary Maragaret on his way to work. I have to go into the station right now," I say, kissing her lightly.

"Do you have to go?" she pouts.

"Yes I am afraid so. Someone called in about a break in, so I have to go check it out. Now I have to go," I grab my leather jacket.

"Stay," she bites her lip again.

"Swan..." I say feeling myself tipping over the cliff she is luring me too.

"Killian..." she brushes her lip across her teeth.

I kiss Emma passionately this time, pulling away before she can seduce me anymore, "Okay. I am leaving before I never make it to work."

"Would that be such a bad thing?" she asks.

"Aye. It would be, because someone is going to need to feed and clothe that little princess growing in your stomach when she arrives," I say shrugging on my jacket, "But I love you. More than words can express."

"I love you too. But if you're not going to stay with me, then you better get your pretty little butt to work," Emma smirks.

"Aye, aye Captain," I kiss her and her stomach one last time, before exiting the door and hoping into the Sheriff's car.

- - - - - - - - - -

I arrive at Gold's Pawn Shop. I open the door, letting myself in.

"Crocodile?" I shout.

He opens the curtain and comes out of the back room.

"Hello Captain," he greets me, "How Mrs. Jones doing?"

"Good. Has Belle found anything at all that might explain everything?" I ask.

"I'm afraid not. She looked through all the books at the library and found nothing. I wish I could be of more help," he says sincerely.

"Thank your wife for me. Emma and I are very grateful at the help she's given us. I'll tell Emma then there is nothing to worry about."

"I wouldn't do that quite yet."

"Why not?" I ask, but the bell jingles behind me, interrupting us.

"What did I miss?" David enters the shop.

"Ah! Great that you could join us David. I assume you got my call about the break in," he says, his can knocking on the wood floor as he walks behind the counter.

"Of course. That's why we are here," David adds.

"Good. Well I wouldn't have called if it wasn't something that is of extreme value." Rumpelstiltskin says.

"What do you mean? There are a lot of valuable things in this shop. Anyone could have any number of reasons to break into your shop," I say.

"That is true, but I'm afraid what was stolen will even pertain to you and the threat on your wife." he says unlock his safe.

"What does this have to do with Emma?" David asks.

Gold pulls out the case that holds the dagger and opens it up.

It's empty.

"My dagger. It's gone." Gold states.

David gasps. I run my hand down my jaw, worried.

"What the bloody hell does this have to do with Emma?" I yell, slamming my fist down on the counter.

"This box is secured by blood magic," Gold says.

"Oh god," David sighs.

"And by a powerful incantation. Only someone extremely powerful, maybe even more powerful than me could've broken both spells," Gold adds, "Plus who knows what they need the dagger for. They could be after me or Emma or the entire town."

I knead my temples, in panic.

"Okay, first thing. No one tells Emma," I say.

"But Killian," David interjects, but I stop him.

"No. If she knows about this she will work herself to death if her worry doesn't kill her first. All she needs to do is take care of our baby. Our baby comes first priority. We can find out what is happening with Regina and stop them. But until then, Emma doesn't find out. That means no telling Snow or Belle. I can't risk Emma knowing," I say, hating myself for lying to Emma, but I have to.

Because I love her.

Comment? Theories? All that jazz!!

What did you guys think?

We are so close to the end of this book and everything will go down. I am so excited to see what you guys think of the ending and everything unraveling.

Don't worry I am planning on a sequel. So it's not quite over yet.

Anyways! Love you all!

Stay safe and healthy!

Thanks for reading!


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