All Together, Yet Apart

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This chapter is dedicated to the following people for all the support they have given me throughout writing this book as it comes to a close. Really lucky to have each and every one of them. So thank you all for being such amazing people. 💜💜💜

CaptainSwanIsLyfe08 TeriMorgenstern

David's Pov
Screams ring across the small hospital room. Tears rush down Emma's cheeks and onto her thin hospital gown.

"It's going to be alright, sweetheart," I hold her hand and run my hand down my daughter's face, moving hair out of her face.

She squeezes my hand tighter as the pain worsens. I can hardly stand to see her like this, in so much pain.

"Dad," She manages to whimper as the pain subsides from her face, "I can't do this. I need Killian. We were supposed to do this together."

"I know honey, but he is going to make it. I will ensure that," I say, hoping with my entire soul that he does.

Snow walks into the room.

"David," she motions to me to follow her outside.

"I will be back Emma. Okay? I love you," I kiss my baby girl's hand, as she nods, almost completely broken and it breaks my heart as well. I walk out of the room with my wife.

As soon as the door shuts, Snow turns to me, a grim look on her face.

"David, Regina found Killian," she says.

"Well that's amazing news. I am going to tell Emma," I smile.

I knew that hope would pay off.

"David... it's not like that," Snow winces.

"What do you mean? What's wrong? This is great news," I exclaim.

"He's on his way to the hospital right now," Snow says, looking away.


"In an ambulance. He got attacked. David, he is in bad shape," Snow sighs.

I gasp, holding my hand to my face.

"Regina and Henry should be here any minute with him, they rode with the ambulance, to keep an eye on him, but I'm afraid Emma won't have Killian with her right now. She's going to have to do it alone and we are all going to have to pray that Killian makes it out of this alive," Snow face falls, "I can't believe our daughter is going to have to go through this alone again."

I try to process all the information I just took in. I felt something stab at my stomach. I just want my daughter to have a happy ending, but we did this to her. We made her the savior and she had paid for it every step of the way. Was it selfish to let her on the path she is now?

I have to be there for her. I have to fix this as best as I can.

"She won't be," I wrap my arms around my wife, "She's got us. We will make sure she makes it through this."

"I just want her to be happy," Snow relaxes in my chest.

"I know. I know," I say not knowing how we can allow for her to be happy again if she loses him again.

Door slam open on the other side of the hallway. Paramedics rush a bloodied man on a stretcher in the hospital. Henry and Regina run in beside the man, Henry holding the man's hand, crying.

Snow and I rush over to them.

Henry is screaming, as Regina pries Henry away from Killian, but Henry struggles against her.

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