Untold Story

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The next part, I added a storyline from the Narnia movies (The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, and The Voyage of The Dawn Treador). If you have not seen them, it might be a bit confusing, but you don't need to necessarily see them. It is just for this one part.


Emma's Pov

Henry nailed the bowling games. Henry won the first game. It took Killian most of the first game to understand it, but when we started the second game he and Henry were going head to head. I enjoyed sitting back and watching them. Killian won the second game.

I start taking off my shoes once the second game is over. Killian comes over by me, downing a water bottle.

"What a great idea, love. This was really fun," he kisses me on my cheek.

He starts putting away the bowling balls with Henry. I walk over to Lucy.

"Hey!" I start up a conversation with her.

"Did you have fun? Your son and husband looked like they were having a blast."

"Yeah. I enjoy watching my boys. So where did you say you were from?"


"Narnia?" I question.

"Not many people know about it. There are only a few portals and they come at strange times when Narnia is in need of heroes. That is how I ended up there. The portal could be as simple as a painting or a wardrobe."

"That sounds amazing. Is it in the Enchanted Forest?"

"No I am afraid not. It is like an entirely separate reality. I have been there three times, but once you have learned what you can from Narnia, you will never be able to return. I... I miss it."

"I am sure you do. Leaving a place that feel like home can be tough. "

She nods, as I recall my time with Henry in New York.

"How did you end up in the Land of Untold Stories?"

"Well my brother went missing, so I wondered if he had somehow found a way back into Narnia. I went looking for him. And a door opened, when I tried to go back to Narnia, and instead I ended up in the Land of Untold Stories. I searched everywhere after hearing rumors that he was there. I never did never find him and then Hyde brought everybody to Storybrooke. I tried to look for him here, but then the Dark Fairy caused massive chaos. Life was so simple and ordinary back in the Land of Untold Stories. Most of us are not used to change."

"Did you find him after all that?"

"No I never did."

"I might be able to help."


"I think so. As you know I am the sheriff. I might have some records of your brother. What's his name?"

"Edmund, Edmund Pevensie."

"I haven't heard of any Edmunds here in Storybrooke. Killian?" I call out to my husband.

He comes over to me.

"Yes, love?"

"Have you heard of any Edmunds in Storybrooke?"

"Well.. There was Edmunds Dantes. The one that tried to kill you parents. He was the Count of Monte Cristo, I think, back in the Enchanted Forest. All he wanted was to get revenge and to do that he had to help the evil queen. Could that be him?"

"That seems a little dark Killian."

"Sorry? I am just trying to help."

"I know," I say while running my hand down his arm, "We are looking for an Edmund Pevensie, though."

I looked back at Lucy. She stabilizes herself against the wall behind her. Her face was full of fear, but also relief.

"Edmund... he's here?" She asks holding back tears.

"Lucy? Are you okay?"

"Edmund? Where is he?"

"This might not be your brother, Lucy. Killian was talking about an Edmund Dantes, not an Edmund Pevensie."

"No," she says while shaking his head, "That's him. His middle name was Dantes. He is here in Storybrooke. Where is he?"

"Lucy. Calm down. This couldn't be your brother. Edmund Dantes is a villian. You said Narnia was a place for heroes and your brother went there."

Killian and I help her into a chair.

"He did. He was a valiant hero, but once he returned to England he went mad. Seeking revenge on all those who had ridiculed him. Ridiculed him for believing he was a King of a fantasy land. I mean he was, but not in our world. He wanted to prove it to them that he wasn't a loony man. Before he went missing, he was going on and on about getting revenge. After that we didn't know what happened to him. I was worried for him. He was unstable. So tell me, what happened to him?"

Killian fills her in on how he went to the Enchanted Forest and then to the Land of Untold Stories, but he left out the part when he died. But she deserves to know what happened to her brother.

"Lucy. Edmund... Edmund he... died."

Tears fill her eyes, but a smile turns at the corners of her lips.

"I am happy for him."

"What?" I ask surprised.

"He was in so much pain and he was so confused. He lost sight of what was fantasy and what was reality. I am so happy for him. He finally gets to rest, maybe even in Aslan's country."

"Aslan's country," Killian questions.

"The King Of Kings in Narnia. His Land is supposed to be beyond anything. I had always hoped when we died, we could go there. It is the place where things stay for the rest of their lives. I want to go there when I leave this behind. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." I say.

There was a long pause. I had no idea what was going on in her head. It made me all confused. I decide it was best to leave. She probably needs time to process her thoughts. She had just found out her brother was dead and I guess her and her brother both share a little bit of the crazy genes.

"Thank you so much for the bowling games, Lucy. Henry, Killian. I think it is time to go."

"Anytime Emma and thank you for helping me find Edmund."

I nod and walk out of the building with Hook and Henry.

Lucy's Pov

I hold a bunch of roses in my hand. I kneel in front of Edmund's grave. I set the flowers on his stone grave.

"Hello Edmund."

I take a deep breath.

"I hope you're happy, hopefully in Aslan's Country. I wish I knew what it was like. Maybe I will join you someday. How are our friends? Aslan? Reepicheep? Is Caspian there too? I miss them all so much and now I get to miss you too. I love you Edmund. I always have through all our fights. Please forgive me for not finding you sooner. Stay brave Edmund. I didn't get to say goodbye, but now I do. And maybe you can hear me, or maybe not. But I know you love me and would want me to move on. Goodbye, Edmund."

I take a deep breath and walk away from his grave. I am starting a new adventure, but we can hold onto the past, now can we. We have to focus on the future. That is what matters right now.

I am sorry for the sad ending. I can do some short stories in the future about Lucy if you guys want. If you want Lucy to find her happy ending in Storybrooke I can even create another side book. I hope you are all having a fantastic day.


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