Unsolved Hurt

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Emma's Pov

I run into the dark forest not caring about my safety. Where could he possibly be? I have to find him. He needed me, he needed help. I hear voices off in the distance. I run towards them, not knowing where I am or where I am going.

"Try to ignore me. Bet you can't," one voice says.

"Talk all you want, spirit. I know you're lying. There's no way that I can get my revenge when Gold's in Storybrooke and I'm trapped here in Camelot," the other voice said.

It is Hook. I breathe a sigh of relief/

"Well, that's where we come in, dearie. Might I suggest a dark curse?" Rumplestiltskin, the Dark One Spirit.

I stop dead in my tracks. He wouldn't kill me for his revenge, he wouldn't go that far. Not after all that we have been through, would he? Killian is still in there. I know it.

"And crush the heart of the one I love most to enact it? No, no, no. I won't kill Emma."

I finally was able to breathe as I collapse against a tree. It feels as if I was suffocating waiting for his answer. Once I regain my breath I run into the clearing where the two men stood.

"Yeah, but there's always a loophole."

"Killian! It worked! You're alive!" I cheer joyfully.

"Aye. It did. After spending centuries quelling my bloodlust, you threw me right back into that darkness! Job well-done, Emma!" He yells as I hold back unwanted tears from running down my cheeks.

"Binding you to Excalibur was the only way to save you," I plead.

"Right, Excalibur. And where is my shiny new tether?"

"I don't know. It disappeared right after you did," I lie.

"Ah. Isn't that convenient?" Rumple says and I glare in his direction.

"How long has he been with you?" I question.

"You can still see him?"

"Sadly, yes. I mean, she's still a Dark One. No matter how ineffectual she may be," he responds for me.

"Don't listen to him. He's not real. But I am. I'm right here. Look at me. That future you told me not to be afraid of... We can have it. The house in Storybrooke. I'm not afraid anymore. I want it. With you. It's ours. You just have to want it, too," I beg, looking for any sign of my Killian beneath the darkness..

"Aye, love, I do. More than anything," he holds me closer.

"Killian... look."

We both look in the direction of the nonexistent Rumplestiltskin. Hook gasps and holds me tighter.

"The demon's gone."

"We can do this. We can get the darkness out of both of us for good."

"How?" Hook asks, doubtful.

"By doing what I just did with you. By going to those we love."

He crushes his lips into mine. I smile. He holds me as close as he can and kisses me passionately. He moans into the kiss. I laugh.

In The Darkest of Times (CaptainSwan)Where stories live. Discover now