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Killian's Pov

"Do you have to go?" Emma asks as I pack my bags.

"Swan," I raise my eyebrow, as if to say "you know the answer."

"I mean I can think of a much better way to spend tonight, that doesn't include sleeping on the rocky ground in a sleeping bag. I mean it can still include the ground if you want to," she smirks and sits on the edge of the bed next to the bag.

"Sounds like heaven, love, but I promised David and the lad that we would go on a camping trip with them. And I want to go before the babe arrives, so that I can spend every moment with you and my little pirate when they do come."

"Fine, but take care of Henry for me? And make sure he wears sunscreen?"

"Of course, love," I peck her lips and return to stuffing clothes into my bag.

"I am going to miss you," she pouts.

"I know. Me too, love, but it's only a week, at most."

"What am I going to do for a whole week without you?"

"I have no idea, but I do know that I am going to need to get going before your father skins me alive."

"You're leaving already?" she whines.

"Aye. I'm afraid so," I rest my hand and hook on her hips.

"Don't have too much fun without me, okay?" she bite her lip, knowing it turns me on.

"Okay now that is unfair, Swan."

"What? This?" she digs her teeth into her plump lip, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her front to mine.

"You're a bloody siren. You know that?"

She leans in and whisper in my ear, kissing it gently, "Only for you.

"I may never be able to leave this bedroom if you continue with this, love."

"Isn't that the point?" she says seductively.

She kisses me hard, but then moves her hands to cup my jawline and the kiss grows softer.

"I love you," she pulls away.

"I love you too. And don't worry. I'll be back before you know it." I pull her in for a hug and then lean down to her stomach, "You make sure your mother doesn't get in too much trouble while I'm away. Okay little love."

I place a small kiss on Emma's belly before grabbing my bag.

"Have fun," she kisses me on my cheek as I walk out the door.


"You guys ready?" David holds out a magic bean.

Henry, David, and I are gathered with our gear in the middle of what used to be the bean fields. I hate lying to Emma about this, well I am not technically lying, but still it doesn't feel good. I keep convincing myself that we will be fine and it will all be worth it.

"Aye," I respond.

"Operation Light Swan Part 2 is a go," Henry adds.

"Okay. Here we go," David throws down the bean.

The bean explodes into a swirling green vortex. We all jump in, falling through the green fog into another realm.

I land in a crouched position, standing up to see that I am surrounded by trees. We made it. Now I am just hoping it is still there and that this plan works.

Where do you think they went? And what could they possibly be up to? Thanks for reading. Hope you all liked it.


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