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Killian's Pov

I felt Emma tossing and turning in my grasp. I loosen my grip around her. I open my eyes slightly.

I turn to look at the clock. It is only 5:45 am.

"Emma," I quietly whisper, "Go back to sleep, love."

She doesn't relax like she usually does when I comfort her. I release my arms from around her and sat up slightly. Her hands are clenching and unclenching. She digs her nails into the palms of her hands. She is breathing heavily. Goosebumps cover her arms. Cold sweat runs down her forehead. I caress her arm hoping to calm her. Her hands are shaking violently. I am worried that something more than just a bad dream is causing her state to be like this.

"Emma!" I shake her softly.

She doesn't' wake up.

I bit my lip as I try to think of a better way in waking her up, while still trying to shake her awake.

"Killian! No!" She screams moments later.

She runs her fingers though her hair and blinks back tears. She grips her hands, trying to get them to stop shaking.

"Emma," I say quietly.


Emma sounds relieved. She collapses into my arms. I engulf her in my arms. She cries into my chest. I love moments like these where I got to protect her and comfort her. I couldn't stand it if anything happened to her.

We just sat there in a comfortable silence, except the occasional sob that escapes Emma's lips. But I couldn't help, but be worried about her.

Her hands finally stop shaking.

"Emma what's wrong?" I question.

She escapes from my arms and looks as if she is ashamed for opening up to me.

"Nothing," she wipes away her tears, getting out of bed.

"Emma that was definitely not nothing," I get out of bed, following after her.

I am trying to be patient with her.

"I am just going to get some fresh air. I will be fine."

"You are not fine," I say slightly annoyed at her.

"I will be after I get some fresh air."

"Emma you were crying and I could tell that it was more than just a nightmare."

"Just leave it be. I will be fine."

"Why don't you trust me Emma? After all we have been through....," she cut me off.

"Just leave it...."

"No Emma, I won't. You are not fine. You can talk to me. I broke down your walls so that I could see the real you, and so that you can trust me and talk to me about things like this. Emma I love you and you can confide in me. I am your husband. We are having a child together. Just trust me," I say practically growling.

She is in more tears at this point. I couldn't tell if I had gone too far.

She takes a deep breath.

"Well.... Well maybe I still have one more wall and.... And maybe you can't bring it down. Maybe..... Maybe this... what we have... Is a mis.... Mistake," she says between sobs.

Those words stung.

"You don't mean that," I stare at her looking for any hints.

She doesn't reply. She grabs her red jacket and walks out of our bedroom. I chase her down the stairs, nearly tripping. She grabs her keys and walks out the door. I try to grab her wrist, but I barely miss.

"Emma don't leave," I plead following her outside.

She still doesn't reply. She doesn't even flinch.

Her hands began to shake again, just like when she was having visions of her death.

She gets into her yellow bug. I bang on the car window. She ignores me and pulls out of the driveway. I see her car drive out of sight.

I just stand in the driveway for what seemed like hours, but probably more like five minutes, just hoping she would come back.

I slowly trudge back into the house. She left.

Did she really mean those words? Did she think that we were a mistake?

No she couldn't have. She is just angry and afraid. She loves me and I love her. I would do anything for her. I should have been more patient with her. I know how easily she put her walls back up. Even with me.

I will get her back. I will always get her back.

Would anybody like to do some fan art for me? If so please comment in the  comment section.

Also what do you guys think Emma is so afraid of?

Thanks for all the support, comments, and love.


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