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Emma's Pov

We stuff our mouths full of some of the most delicious food I have ever eaten and after we were engaged in conversation, laughing our heads off.

"Come on, Swan, admit it. You were disappointed that I wasn't my usual dashing self."

"Yeah," I say taking a sip of my coke, "Just promise me you'll never become that fat, old, Hook ever again."

"Again? I never was. Whatever bloke decided to ruin his chances at being a handsome idiot was not me. Trust me. Good looks were the one thing I had against every woman. Even you, love."

"Me?" I say suppressing a laugh.

"You couldn't keep your eye off me when we met. Although clearly you wanted nothing to do with me in the beginning, you knew I was the most handsome man you had ever met."

"Maybe," I say biting my lip, "Just maybe, but in conclusion I was beginning to see where the Disney's Hook was coming from," I say laughing.

He laughs along.

"Well at least the Disney's Hook probably knows how to use a sword, so maybe he could get away with using a chisel."

We both laugh again. With all we have gone through, our favorite thing to do is laugh at all the crazy things that have happened.

He pulls my hands into his.

"I promise you this, I have never looked that non-devilishly handsome and I don't intend to. I am never going to get a perm. I am never going to get fat. And when I get old I will be just as handsome. You have nothing to worry about."

"Really I thought you were already old. You are two hundred years old, after all."

"And look at me. I think I have aged beautifully if I do say so myself."

We laugh again, our stomachs hurting from laughing so much by the end of the night.

"Well I am going to use the restroom and then we can head back to the condo for some hot chocolate if you'd like?"

"That sounds lovely."

I kiss him on the cheek.

"Don't leave me waiting too long."

I exit the bathroom and walk down the hallway back into the restaurant. I am stopped by a man.

"And what is a beautiful lady like yourself doing here alone?"

"I am not alone, so if you'll excuse me."

"Now your not," alcohol clearly on his breath.

"If you'll let me by, I have to get back to my..."

"No need. I'll keep you company, freckles."

"Let's not make a big deal of this, so if you'll just..." I try to pass him.

He blocks me again.

"You're right, blondie, it can be our little secret," he slurs

"I'm married."

"I don't mind."

"Well I do. So really I must insist that you let me go past you."

"Insist, well aren't you a demanding..."

"Hey, mate."

The man turns towards Killian and he punches him in the face. The man stumbles backwards.

"Geez. What was that for?"

"For assaulting my wife and if you don't leave her alone I can give you another."

"Thanks, mate," he tries imitating Killian, "but I think I'll pass on that lovely opportunity."

"Come one, Emma," Killian pulls me away from the man.

"Emma? The name's Sawyer, just thought you might like to know in case your puppy dog gets boring."

I turn back to him and glare at him from my husband side.

"You okay, love?"


"You sure," Killian says looking into my eyes.

"Truly, now I'd like some of that hot chocolate."

"Coming right up."

Lost anyone?!?!

Hope y'all are doing well.

Sorry for not updating. I have been so awfully busy. I hate school. It's like our teachers think we have no lives. Sorry for ranting.

Thanks for reading!!! Love you all!!! ❤️


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