Sunset Beach Walks

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Killian's Pov
We spent that entire morning just enjoying ourselves, because once we get back to Storybrooke there probably won't be much of it. Between Storybrooke's chaotic nature and the baby, our lives are only going to get busier. In a good way, I hope.

I honestly haven't quite gotten over the fact that Emma and I were having a child. It always seemed like the next step in our relationship and I always imagined Emma to be the one to carry my children, but I couldn't shake this fear that I wouldn't be good enough.

I hadn't really brought it up to Emma just because she was dealing with her own insecurities with parenting, but I am scared to Hell and back to raise a child. I didn't know if Emma and I were ready, but there's no turning back now.

Emma and I are walking down the beach as the sun sets on the horizon. It was our last night here and honestly I have had the best week of my life. I'm not sure I am ready to leave.

Emma rests her head on my shoulder, our arms and hands intertwined as we walk down the shore.

I am snapped out of my thoughts when Emma moves her head off my shoulder and says, "You okay?"

I look at her.

"Of course, love. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You seem lost in thought."

"Just thinking, love."

"What about?"

"Nothing," I wave it off, but she was persistent.

"It's not nothing to me. Come on, what is it?"

I debate telling her before giving in.

"Emma. Do you think I'll make a good father?"

We stop walking. She looks me in the eye.

"Killian, you already are and not just to Henry. I see your love for this child. Every time they are mentioned your eyes light up. You are going to be everything our child needs. And if you fail I am here to pick up the pieces, just like you would for me."

She always knows exactly what to say.

"But are you sure we are ready? For what all is going to come with this?"

"I don't know, but we are going to do this together and that's how I know we will make it through this. It's how I have always known we'd make it. Because I have you."

"And I you."

I kiss her gently, pulling away and running my hands along the edges of her stomach.

I sigh as I say, "You ready to go back home.'

"Yes and no. I miss Henry, but I'll miss the time with you."

"I know. Come on. Let's go and see your boy."

We walk back to the condo, getting ready to catch a red-eye back to Storybrooke, not quite prepared for the Hell that would break loose when we would return.

Oopsies!! It's not like I would totally ruin anybodies happiness right now when everything is going so good. I wouldn't do that at all.

Or would I....

Just be prepared is my only advice.

As Killian said, "All Hell is about to break loose."

Hope y'all are having a great day.


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