Hold On, Please Hold On

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Killian's Pov
"Hold on Emma, please hold on," I whisper to the blonde who lays almost unconscious against my chest.

I sit in the front seat of the car, Emma in my lap. I am driving to the hospital as quickly as I can. She is limp in my arms, hardly breathing. I can tell she is breathing by the small fall and rises of her chest and her weak cries whenever the pain got worse. It breaks me to see her like this. I am barely holding myself together, but I know the only way Emma and our child would survive is if I did hold myself together and get her to the hospital. I park and run into the hospital, Emma in my arms, choking in pain.

"Please someone help," I call.

The nurses spot me and run over to me.

"Call Dr. Whale," says one nurse.

I lay Emma on a stretcher as the nurses ask questions. They roll her down the hallway, as I hold her limp hand.

"What happened, sir?"

"What are her symptoms?"

"Any medical concerns?"

"She was trying to stop a man. He robbed our house and he held a knife to her neck. Then she collapsed in pain when we chased him. She's in a lot of pain."

"Okay, sir, we are going to take care of your wife, but we need you to wait out her."

All I can do is nod.

"Anything else we should know?" she asks as they rolled her into a room.

"She's pregnant."

And with that they disappear into the room. I collapse against the wall, my head falling into my knees, letting a few tears fall. She is my world. I can't lose my world. I wipe my tears and pull out my phone. They need to know.

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