Missing You, Missing Home

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Emma's Pov

"You know I am so excited to meet you. You are going to be my little angel and I am going to love you more than life itself."

I kiss my fingertips and place them on my stomach.

"Now how about that grilled cheese you wanted so badly?"

Suddenly I appear in my house and I am munching on a delicious grilled cheese.

"It's really late, so now I think it's time for bed, little one," I stand up to head upstairs to bed.

About halfway up a pain shoots through my stomach. My stomach grows rapidly.

"No," I collapse against the banister.

My water breaks and my body is rocked with contractions.

I scream, gripping one of the stair posts.

"It's too early," I scream, but I know what has happened, someone sped up my pregnancy.

"No. I'm not ready. Killian!" I shout, only to realize he has gone on that camping trip and he has no cell service. I am alone.

I cry, as my contraction slowly fades. I pick up my phone to call Mary Margaret.

"No. None of that," a man poofs into my living room, poofing my phone into his hand as well. It's Clint Eyler, "You see for this next part I need you alone, just like you were the first time this happened. Because one should never underestimate the power of loneliness," he comes up to me as another contraction hits and sweat drips down my brow.

"You're a monster," I manage to gasp through the pain.

"Maybe. But some could say that about you. You see you gave away your own son and almost put him through the same miserable life that you lived," he tilts his head, "Tell me Emma. How did you like your time in the foster system?"

"I did what was needed," I grunt, as the next contraction dulls.

"For you or for him? You're the savior. Why didn't you save your son? And if you couldn't save Henry, how are you going to save this child?"

"Shut up," I yell at him, "Why did you do this? What do you need?"

"Oh. Nothing much," he sits down next to me on the stairs, "I just need you to realize who the true Emma Swan is. And she is no Savior. She is an orphan and she is weak. She is not fit to be a mother. How could she? She grew up without one and she was never a mother to Henry. That was Regina, the Evil Queen. And if the Evil Queen could do a better job at raising a child than the Savior's, what will happen if she does have a child. I think that's where the real Monster will come alive."

"You don't know me."

"Oh. But I do Emma. You see, you remember that Rumplestiltskin was once a savior. And you remember the prophecy the seer gave him about his child. The same will befall you. Your actions on the battlefield will leave your child motherless."

"What do you mean?"

"You will abandon this child. It is prophesied, just like you were prophesied to be a Savior. So why don't you just spare yourself the wait do what you do best and run? You can either leave this town and this child or you can see what hell I can really inflict. Imagine what I could do to your child and your beloved pirate. Time's up Emma."

His last words echo through the air. The man fades from the room, just like my subconscious does.

I sit up screaming, waking up from that terrible nightmare, gathering the sheets closer to my body.

"Killian," I shout, only to remember that he was gone, camping.

I shiver and pull the covers over my body, as I huddle against the headboard of my bed.

"It was just a dream, Emma," I think, wishing Killian was here to calm me down.

I clutch my stomach, seeing that my small baby bump was still there and it's normal size.

"The grilled cheese you ate last night was totally normal. Your child's fine. It was just a dream. Just a dream," I continue trying to call myself down.

I am breathing heavily, tears burning at the back of my eyelids, as I draw Killian's pillow into my arms. I hold it close and imagine what Killian would say if he were here with me. He would probably say something along the lines of, "Hey, love. Everything is going to be alright. Just go back to sleep." But I couldn't sleep, not without him and not with something out there after my baby.

Although a lot of that dream seemed fake, something my subconscious drew up, some of Clint's words stuck with me. Will I really leave my child motherless? No that's crazy. Rumplestilskin is a villain and a monster. I am a hero. Oh, Killian. I wish I was here with you. You would tell me something that would stop my mind from racing.

I pull a frame off of my night stand. It's Killian and I on our wedding day. I stroke his face.

"Come home to me soon," I whisper to the picture of the smiling couple.

Killian's Pov

I sit awake. I can't sleep without knowing that Emma was safe and right besides me. Henry and David are asleep in their sleeping bags under the stars, but since I couldn't sleep, I sat by the fire. Every now and then I would stoke the fire, making sure it stayed lit to keep us warm.

I don't think Emma would be sleeping either, but I hope she is for our child's sake. She is already really exhausted all the time when she does get a decent amount of sleep. I don't want to be the reason that she is even more tired. I wish there was a way I could contact her, but that is one of the difficulties of being in another realm. Only a few more days. I kept telling myself. Hopefully everything is going okay in Storybrooke. It would break me if something happened to the town while I was away or if one of them was hurt. I can't lose Emma or my child.

What if something did happen to them? What if the villain that is after Emma decided to strike while I was gone? It would make perfect sense. And the worst part is that I left on my own accord. I needed to know she was okay. If she was in danger, I am going to come home right now. I can complete this adventure another time. Sure it wouldn't be ideal to do another time. But Emma and my child always come first. Always.

A hand touches my shoulder. I jumped up, startled.

"Relax it's just me," David says and sits down next to me, "Couldn't sleep?"


"Is it Emma?" he asks.

"What else would it be? It's funny that I am out here because of Emma, but all I can think of is getting home to her."

"Well from the looks of things, it should only be a two day trek till we reach my castle. You'll be home with her soon enough."

"Nothing can be soon enough, but, aye, that sounds good. I'm glad we got to take the lad with us. I think he has enjoyed seeing our world."

"I think so too, but you should think about getting some rest. We have a long journey ahead of us," David walks back to his sleeping bag.

What do we think? Do we think it was a just a dream or was it a premonition? And what do you think Killian is up to in the Enchanted Forest? And any guess on what Clint Eyler is up to?

Thanks for reading! You guys are amazing!


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