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Emma's Pov

Killian closes the overhead bin with our carry ons and scoots into the seat next to me. I make him sit in the window seat, it is after all the best view. And I want the best for his first flight. It's so freeing, thousands of feet in the air. It was the one part of moving I actually liked. Being in the foster system meant that I moved a lot. I hated moving. I knew I would have to start all over again and I always knew when I was no longer wanted, but when I got on the plane and we were above the cities and the clouds, it gave me some sort of hope that life was going to be okay. And now I got to be on a plane for the first time knowing that I wasn't leaving forever. I wasn't being thrown away. I wasn't going to have to start a new life. I had one right in front of me.

I grab Killian's arm as he sits down.

"You ready?" I smile brightly.

"As ready as I can ever be, but it is worth it if I get to see that smile. My only question is why? We are going to spend the next 11 hours on this plane with hardly any leg room and you seem happy about it."

"This is the first time I have been on a plane since I got out of the foster system. I always loved planes. It made me feel more free than I ever had, but it was always scary because I was being sent away. I was going to have to start a new life. Now I... I have all the joy I could ever need right next to me and it feels just as freeing, maybe more than back then."

"I will never ever send you away. I don't even know if I would be able to let you go, much less send you away. You are my home."

He kisses the top of my head and I snuggle into his shoulder.

The plane prepares to take off.

"No turning back now."

"Never," he holds me tighter.

The plane speeds down the runway and lifts off the ground. Killian hold me, if humanly possible, tighter. He squeezes my hand and holds his breath. I smile. A pressure builds, pushing us down, and it is finally released when the entire plane was in the air. Minutes later, we look down at the city below us. The cars on the freeway look like little ants and people are nonexistent. The world is at peace up here. The miniature world soon disappears into the clouds.

The clouds look like endless sheets of cotton balls. The sun is just beginning to rise due to our flight time. The pink and orange sky illuminates the clouds like a canvas of colors. It is beautiful. The sun peeks over the clouds like the essence of all goodness, light, and hope. I can see why a bird would want to fly. You get to experience all this beauty. I snuggle even closer to Killian. His arm wraps around my shoulders and his head lays on mine.

"See that wasn't too bad, now was it?"

"Not at all, love. And this view is just..."

"Beautiful right?"

"I can see why you would love it so much, love. It is so stunning, just like someone I know."

I turn in his arms to further face him.

"You know you never fail to surprise me by your kindness and genuine flattery. I am so lucky that you are my husband and the father of both of my children, by blood or not."

"And you never fail to inspire me by your strength, courage, kindness, and selflessness. Truly I am the one who got lucky."

"I am not going to agree with you on that, but okay."

"Being stubborn today, aren't we?"

"I'm not stubborn," I say, playfully smacking him.

"Whatever you say, love. It's like saying I am not devilishly handsome, and we both know there is no way that is not true."

I laugh and shake my head.

"You're impossible."

"And you wouldn't have me any other way. You love me for it."

I laugh and shake my head again.

I lay my head on his chest and we both get comfortable in each other's arms. Soon I am falling asleep, dreaming of my all too perfect husband.

Happy New Years!!!! My New Years resolution is to write more, so hopefully I will be updating every at least once a week. Have an amazing first day of the new decade.


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