Ohhh shiiit!!!-04

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( Juliana) 2 days later

"Hey Juliana nice to have you back" my co-worker says "nice to be back" I force a fake smile "LISTEN UP ! WE HAVE FIVE NEW WORKERS WHO NEED TRAINING . When they get here I will assign Juliana one , Cathryn one and Monica one . I will train the rest" my Boss yells out
30 mins later
"Here , come with me I'll assign you to my favorite worker . Her name is Julie The boss says . I let out a sigh as I feel him approach me with the person I have to train . "Jayden meet Juliana , Juliana meet.." I cut him off and jump out of my seat into Jayden's arms immediately shedding tears and just falling apart "ummm I see you two know each other , I'll leave y'all be" he slowly walks away and I just hold on to Jayden because I never want her to leave . She's crying to ! Probably even more than Iam "Gosh I miss you so much!" Jayden says "I love you Jay" I say as I kiss her neck "I love you" She says looking me dead into my eyes "Where is Jayden? How is he?" I ask. "He's in school , he's good . We just moved here two days ago" she says "how's Jailene ? Where is she?" She asks "With Star.." I instantly look down "Where is star?" Jayden asks "The house.." I say than I let Jayden go and look at her "your eyes.." she says I immediately look away but she grabs my chin and forces me to look at her "Lets go" she says as she grabs my purse "wait Jayden , we can't" I say "why is that ? What is Star gonna do ? Kill me? Hahaha" she laughs than pulls me out of the building and we go onto the elevator together . Somehow I end up telling her about Star and all the abuse she has been causing and the emotional and mental hurt she put on Jailene and I . "I know it's been eight years but I'm not living another day without you!" She says
❤️ Star ❤️
"Jailene get up and clean these dishes, I'm tired of waiting on you" I get up and smack Jailene in the face "I'm not joking around" I say. "OK" Jailene screams than marches over to the sink and aggressively starts moving dishes and ends up breaking a bowl right in the sink "WHAT THE FUCK YOU STUPID ASS" I yell than rush into the kitchen and grab her hand "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I ask "I'm sorry" Jailene says "you will..." I get cut off by the sound of keys at the door "Continue" I say than smack her in the face and she starts to cry aloud "Baby I got fired" Juliana comes in the house "Fired? What the fuck you mean fired?" I ask "I walked out... what happened to my daughters face? What did you do oh my gosh" she runs over to Jailene and hugs her tightly than whispers something in her ear "We have to go Star" she says "go? What the fuck bitch" I grab Juliana and Jailene by their hair "Go Where?" I ask "Remember me?" Some familiar voice laughs than comes into the house "Ohhh shiiit" I let them go than take off up the stairs trying to get away "Go to the car , I'll be there soon!" Jayden yells than takes off after me

The Life Of Jayden-2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now