OH MY GOD!!!-30

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Monday - Melanie Melano
"Takai come on and get this done , We don't have all damn day"
"Hurry up hurry hurry hurry! Y'all are some slow asses . If these decorations don't get hung by 11am I'm firing people!!" Halloween is coming up and since I own the store I like decorating it . Takai is extremely slow moving today which is very frustrating on my part . "Takai what the hell is wrong with you today?" I ask "nothing Boss , I'm trying my best." She says "GET MOVING ! I yell at everyone . I start to hang up the pumpkins and Michael myer faces around the store . Jayden is working pretty fast but that's usual . She's so good at her job I love it ! I never have to speak to her . Takai on the other hand I just want to fire her dumb ass but I know she needs the job. She's homeless ! Well it doesn't look like she is anymore since Jayden been helping her out .
( Takai)
"Babe" I say once Jayden gets close enough "What's up?" She says hanging the Halloween decorations "I don't feel good!" I say "what's wrong?" I ask "I don't know , My stomach been hurting ." I say "Go sit down , I got this." Jayden says "okay thanks" I kiss her cheek than go sit over by the window "MELANIE IM COVERIN FOR HER!" Jayden yells over "Ok" Melanie says
I don't know why Melanie always giving me hard times when I'm here I hate this fuckin bitch . She hates me too but she can at least be a little nicer . I fuckin hate this cock sucker . I go through a lot already and she makes it harder on me. I just need a 3 day vaca. Jayden should get one to she works to much .
( Jayden 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 )
I keep looking over at Takai to make sure she is ok but she looks stressed out , upset and tired . "Mel she needs to rest!" I say "Ok . Well go ahead and bring her home" Mel says "ok" I walk over to Takai "Babe come on" I say helping her up "You good?" I ask seeing her color changing " I don't know I feel dizzy" she says "Did you eat breakfast ?" "No!" Once we get in the car I recline her seat than help her sit down . She's probably dehydrated "here" I give her a Gatorade and a peanut butter granola bar "thank you!" She says "I'm tired babe" Takai says "We're almost home" I say as I pull onto my street . "You got nausea meds?" Takai asks "Yeah come on" I say .

We get inside and I bring her some Nausea medication . Than I leave to go back to work but I hear screaming inside "WHAT THE FUCK" I say as I get out the car and run inside "OHH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK" I say once I see what is going on .

The Life Of Jayden-2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now