I got A baby on the way - 53

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One Week Later - Jayden Jr. - School 🏫

           I spent Halloween in the hospital with my sister and mom , I hope I get to spend thanksgiving at our house in comfort with some real good food . I love thanksgiving time . I love when mama makes brown sugar ham and the pineapple ham with a warm glaze . Her dressing comes out banging too . The collard greens my favorite she adds some spices up in it , it's not that canned stuff . Mama always makes everything from scratch . "Jayden did you bring your homework?" Mrs Jackson asks "no I'm sorry" I say "Jayden this is the third time I'm calling your mother" she threatens "go head and call her she ain't gonna listen to you" I snap "listen little boy *walks to my desk* I don't know who you think you are *points finger in my face* but you better cut that attitude out" she says "this is how I talk I can't change my natural way of talking and if you think this is attitude you best not call my moms over some dumb uneducated paperwork that isn't teaching me anything about what I will need in life . You want to teach me something? *stands up* than teach me how to get a job , how to get a house , get good credit file taxes , get a car , teach me about life outside of my mother ! One day she isn't going to be here and than Ill be on my own ." I take my backpack and walk out of the class "fuck you mrs Jackson !" I throw up the middle finger as I slam the door and head towards the bathroom . I see my friend Tonio "yo tony what's up man?" I dap him up "nothing bro where's yo girlfriend when you gonna get your lil dick wet" he laughs "maaan chill bro ! I'm only eight I got time" I laugh as well "Well you right ! Man I think I got a baby on the way" he scratches his head "yo you only 14 you for real?" I ask "yeah ! Samantha getting big and she's been sick a lot." Tonio says "ohh man I told you don't bust no nut in that girl her mama gonna kill her" I say "shiiit my mama gonna kill me than put me 6 deep wake me back up and kill me again" Tonio laughs and I do too . "If she pregnant I got to get a job with my brother Gregory and I got to tell my mama oh man I can feel that sting on my ass right now" Tonio covers his butt with his palms "you stupid funny" I laugh  We dap up than I head to lunch , I'm glad I ain't knock a bitch up . I hang with Tonio and a few other older kids a lot. Before I thought if you touch a girl with your penis you can get her pregnant but nah you got to shoot sperm in her . I'm not putting my lil swimmers in no one until I have a good job and a fast car , cuz I got to get her to the hospital to have the baby.
"I called your mother and left a message!" Mrs Jackson approaches me "GOOOD FOR YOU ! Want a reward?" I laugh "you need a belt whooping!" She growls "and you need to brush yo yellow teeth" I laugh. Mrs. Jackson calling my mama for nothing ! Long as I go to school my mama don't care . She wasting her time with mines on the real . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ( Takai)
   "Bae you okay?" I whisper in Jayden's ear "hmm" she groans "Are you okay?" I say again "yeah" she closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep again. We got home two days ago And Jayden hasn't been talking much or paying attention to anything . She checks up on Jailene everyday who still is in a coma . She hasn't been okay since what happened to her , I don't know what to do I don't know what she wants , it's making me worry that she isn't okay ! I hate seeing her like this "Babe I love you" I kiss her forehead than go downstairs . I see the house phone flickering the red light which means I got a missed call or and a message . I click voicemail "hello it's Mrs. Jackson Jayden's teacher . I was calling because Jayden has had an attitude for the past few days and he was complaining about how I teach the class . He said he didn't have his homework and that I should teach him how to get a car , taxes , jobs , apartments and other things . Can you please have a talk with him about respecting his elders. Please give me a call.." I press delete .  Than redial "hello Mrs Jackson speaking"
Me: yes this is Jayden's mom
Mrs J.: Hello ma'am , I was just about to call you again . I told Jayden I had called you and he told me I need to brush my yellow teeth
Me: um ok ma'am but what's the problem
Mrs. Jackson : your son is very disrespectful and needs a lesson on manners
Me: my son has manners , he is very polite and I'm sure you said something that wasn't nice because he wouldn't disrespect someone who hasn't disrespected him . Now go brush your yellow teeth and don't call my damn phone over some bullshit again.
I hang up the phone than head into the kitchen to start on dinner . First I feed the dogs than come inside and wash my hands , I pull out already washed vegetables cut them up and boil them in a big pot , next I cut and season potatoes putting them in the oven at 400 degrees . I take out the beef chunks , add some sazon , garlic powder, pepper , crushed red peppers , lemon , ground mustard and a touch of cayenne . I mix the meat into the seasonings than dump it into a frying pan with a little bit of oil. It has to cook for a few hours so I go watch a movie in the living room. *The Legend Of Tarzan*
    ( 30 minutes later)
  I start to hear noise upstairs. I get up and head towards the noise, I see Jayden In the bathroom closet pulling out stuff "bae" "BABE" I say louder causing her to look at me " WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I ask "mir" she says "MIRROR?" I say "hmm"  I walk over by her and take the box , placing it back where it goes , I took the bathroom mirror down because I didn't want Jayden to see the damage Star caused . I didn't want her to see how different she looks . She would freak out and go after Star , no one would be able to stop her . Even though Vincent gave Star another chance Jayden wouldn't ! She would end her right there and then.

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