But it's not a boy...-27

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                          ( Jayden ) 

  I just got a call from the school that Jailene got into a fight with some girl , Jayden Jr. beat up some kid and now I am pissed off because my daughter is being bullied to. What the fuck type of shit is this . Niggas must want me behind bars "Babe ill be back" I say as I kiss her forehead "Be safe" she says going back to sleep . My baby hates waking up early . she is so damn mmmm when she sleeps . How her bottom lip pokes out more and her eyes flutter at times . To cute lol . anywaysss I hop in my BMW and take off to the school . "FUCK" I say as I think of knockin some lil ass kids head off. My daughter is only in 4th grade and going through shit she shouldn't be going through . Not at 9 years old . She started Puberty and I didn't even tell Juliana. She doesn't want me to tell her mother either. She is embarrassed that she is maturing and everyone in her class still has their "Baby voice" in her words . Once I pull up at the school I grab my iPhone X , my keys and head inside . I can't stand this shit .. "Hello Mrs. Readian I'm here for Jailene and Jayden" I say as I take a seat in the waiting area "Yes, one second please" The principal says .   Jailene comes out crying and Jayden is trying to comfort her but she seems miserable "Mama" she runs over to me and I pick her up , Yes my 9 year old still gets picked up . "Please bring me home , I don't want to be here no more" She cries in my neck . "Ok Jailene." I say as I go to leave but her teacher touches my shoulder "Ma'am can we have a quick talk" she says "You see my kid is highly upset?" I say as I continue to walk and Jayden follows "If anything happens to one of my kids again be ready for a damn war. " I walk out of the school building and put Jailene down . The kids get in the car as I do too .  "They told her secret mom !" Jayden says with his head down "Secret?" I question "Yeah" Jailene cries "I wrote in my notebook that I have a crush on someone , And the girl that I beat up told everyone in the class" Jailene cries "Baby , a lot of kids your age are interested in boys and think someone is cute" I say as I drive "It's not a boy" Jayden says looking at me through the mirror "Sooo Why no one told me?" I giggle "Wait your not mad?" they say in unison "Now why would my lesbian ass be mad if my daughter likes girls ?" I ask "We don't know . I thought that you would be upset and want me to be straight ." Jailene says "Baby you can be whatever you want as long as you are happy . Don't let no lil ugly ass bitch tell you right from wrong , Her mama must not have loved her to be hating on you ." I say  "I love you" Jay and Jailene say in unison "I love yall too." I say as I pull into the driveway . I see a car I never seen before on the side of the road and my mind automatically goes off to STAR . I wonder where that ZENVOST1 at . Maybe it aint her , Maybe im buggin out !

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