Stab Her-109

154 7 1

Juliana 🔐

"Star let me go please , just let us go and nothing will happen to you I promise" I say "Bitch shut up you and Milah aren't going anywhere , now shut that damn baby up" she hands me Milo and he continues to cry "Give him to me" Milah says "Star Please" she says "HERE MAKE HIM SHUT UP!" Star hands Milo to Milah and she rocks him, Milo starts to quiet down and Star looks at me "I want you to have some fun" she smirks "wha what?" I raise a brow "Some fun" she smirks again than pulls a knife out and hands it to me "Stand Milah and I will let you and Milo go" Star says and Milan's eyes go up to look at Star. I just sit there in confusion as I hold the knife in my left hand "Stand her" Star says excitedly "umm No" I cry "STAND HER OR I KILL HIM!" She grabs Milo "Just do it damn" Milah says "I I can't" I cry "STAB ME" Milah says and I jab her with the knife , she screams out in agony "Again again" Star claps "No I can't do it no" "STAB HER BITCH" Star slaps Milo in the face and Milah grabs the knife from me than jumps up and grabs Star by the neck.

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