Welcome To The World 👶🏽

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( Jayden 🔥) - 3 days later  DON'T FORGET TO VOTE 😉
"Babe what's wrong?" I ask Takai who keeps turning and twisting in bed "My stomach is killing me" she whines "you having contractions?" I ask "I don't ... arghh shiiit I don't know" she cries "yep you are! Let's go" I grab the bags and go into Jr's room "ma's about to have lil Kai so ima be gone. Text me if anything" I say "Ight mom I love you" he says "I love you more youngin" I walk down the stairs , grab my keys to the minivan and put the bags in the trunk . Than I go back in and help Takai to the car , she's wobbling her lil ass to the car as Jailene is helping her "Thanks Young Queen" I hug my daughter than help Takai into the car. Once inside I blast the heat because man is it cold as fuck !!!! "Babe it hurts" she whines "I know ! I know ! Just try to take deep breathes" I say "I'm trying" she cries .
       ( Takai) - 2 hours later
We had arrived in the hospital and got a room in the labor and delivery , I was checked at 5Cm dilated and now I'm 8Cm , It hurts so bad ! Jayden wasn't joking about the pain at all "babe I need medicine" I been saying it since I got here and still haven't got it "Ima call the nurse again bae" Jay gets up and clicks the nurse button on the remote "How May I help you?" She responds "My girlfriend needs an epidural ! We been asking since she got here" Jayden sounds irritated and I don't blame her one bit "Ma'am someone will be right in we have a lot of pa.." Jayden cuts the nurses off "I don't give a fuck if you had Millions up in this bih get my girlfriend a epidural or there's gonna be some problems" she hangs up on the nurse . "Thanks daddy" I say "You're welcome papi!" She winks.
Three minutes have passed and no epidural has been done "hold on babe" I walk out into the hallway and see nurses gathered around laughing "WHERE IS THE FUCKIN EPIDURAL? WHAT THE HELL YALL DOIN ? HAVIN A FUCKIN PARTY? GET MY GIRLFRIEND A EPIDURAL OR IM SUING YALL , YOUR PARENTS AND YOUR TRAINERS !!" I yell than walk back into the hospital room. Not even a minute later a nurse comes in with a cart and a anesthesiologist .
I help get Takai in position and the Anesthesiologist gives her the injection "Babe breathe" I say as I hold her head down , making sure she doesn't move "Hmm it hurts" she cries "its almost done" I say "All done champ" He pats her shoulder than leaves. "I'm still suing y'all" I say as I help Takai lay down.
( one hour later ) Jayden
"Babe push" I say holding her leg "ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN" the nurse shouts "The head is right there give me a big push" she says "ARGHHH OUUUCH" Takai screams . I give her my hand, I swear she tryna break it haha "ouch ouch!" She mumbles "babe breathe and push hard" I say . "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" The baby comes out bloody and covered in Vernix . They place him or her on Takai's chest. I lift the baby's leg "OHHH SNAPP" I laugh "welcome to the world..." I smirk at Takai "Jayden no?" She looks at me pissed "HELLL YEAHHH WHAT UP KAIDEN" I laugh as I kiss Takai on her head "Shit hurts" she says "did she tear?" I ask "just a little we're about to clean you right up sweetie" the nurse says. I start wiping Kaiden off and he smiles at me "awww my man!" I smile back at him "he looks just like you papi" I say to Takai "ain't that a blessing" she smirks "kind of" I laugh as I wipe his body off , let me see him!" I say. Takai hands him to me and I wipe his legs and feet off . He's so happy and alert which is weird for a newborn haha. "Here babe" I hand him back to her.
    Milah ❤️
"Look at my lil youngin" I kiss our baby boy on the forehead and kiss my fiancé to "I love you Julie" I say "I love you too baby" Juliana been recovering from giving birth. We came home yesterday with our son, he still doesn't have a name yet but they gave us one month to decide on a name "bae do you need anything?" I ask Juliana "Can I have some lemon tea please?" She asks "Coming right up mamas" Heading into the kitchen to make tea I see the mail truck pull up right up in front of our door. I already know what's being delivered. I put the water for the tea in the microwave than head to the door.  "Sign here please" he says  I sign the papers than take my boxes "oooo Look what I got" placing the boxes on the coffee table I pick up my young boy "You're a young fly king , dressed to impress no matter what you wear." I kiss his forehead and cradle him as Juliana opens box number one revealing a Versace baby robe 👘, A Versace men's robe , and a Versace women's robe. The baby's is white and gold , Juliana's is purple, black and gold and my robe is the same as Juliana's but with white lining trimmed around the neck. Than she opens the second box revealing six Gucci outfits with matching baby shoes , the third box reveals Ralph Lauren teddy bear with a name on it that I chose for him. And another teddy bear with our names and the date we met  on it. (05.05.23) The fourth box has 33 Ralph Lauren outfits and the last box has 26 pairs of Ralph Lauren shoes sizes Newborn to 3 years.
"This is so so cute baby I love it! And so does he" she kisses our son "I'm glad you love it baby. I got you a lil something, close your eyes" I say   Once her eyes are closed I pull out a small box and put it in her hand "open your eyes" I say "what's this?" Juliana smiles "find out" I wink 😉 "awwww babyyy" she starts to cry. It's a locket with the family picture we took at the hospital. "I love it baby" she leans over to kiss me , I kiss her back. "I love you" I say.
"Welcome to the world King Milo Julian Jordan ." I kiss King on the cheek.

The Life Of Jayden-2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now