Bitch ass teacher ! -14

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When I get home 🏡 no one is around , not my son and not Juliana . I pick up the house phone and dial the schools number "Can you please put my daughter Jailene on the phone this is Jayden King . I need to speak with her immediately!" I say
"Mommy?" Jailene says "it's mama sweetie . Have you seen star at your school?" I ask "no , But Mommy came here not long ago and said that she would be calling my cellphone , but the teacher took it when I checked it. I told her my mom was going to call me and she said she can call the office" "I'm coming to your school right now ! Do not go with your mom if she comes , Star has her and Jayden . I have to get you ! Stay in your class and I'll be right there." "Ok" I than hang up , grabbing my car keys and rushing to my car immediately jumping into the car and pulling off in a hurry . "Move fucker!" I yell at the people in front of me after 15-20 minutes I pull up at the school and turn the engine off . Rushing into
The school and to my daughter's class I calm down then slowly open the door "You took my daughter's phone?" I ask the lady "yes I did ! Phones are not to be used in class." She says "Well guess what mufucka , you didn't buy the damn phone and she isn't your child . Do not ever in your life touch my daughter's phone or I will snap your neck ! NOW GIVE IT BACK TO HER AND APOLOGIZE!" The lady looks scared and gets the phone out her desk handing it back to Jailene with an apology . I than motion for Jailene to come with me and she does . "We have to get your brother and mother!" I say

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