Don't fuck wit Jayden Jr.! -16

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( Jayden)
"JAYDEN ! JULES!" I yell out as I rush into each room searching for them "Jayden?" Jules calls "oh my gosh what the hell!" I pick up Jayden Jr. and examine his face "Jayden baby , can you walk?" I ask "noo mama it hurts" he says "you're strong my man! I'm so proud of you." I kiss his forehead than carry him to the car , Juliana follows behind me and I lock them in the car . "Tell me what she did to him!" I say . She starts talking and I immediately get upset wanting to kill her ass "I'll be back ! Here's the cell , I'm going to send Vincent down !" I say than run back inside the house and up the stairs "YOU FUCKIN BITCH ! You punched my son!!!" I scream as I grab her by the chin forcing her to look me in my eyes "Ima make you wish you never touched him!" I say "Vin go to the car with Jules and Jayden jr. Please . I got business to handle here!" He hands me a hunting knife than walks off "this yours star?" I trace the knife over her pretty lil face , than from her chin down to her vagina "Hmm I told you not to fuck wit my family but noooo you just couldn't fuckin help yourself!" I pierce her cheek with the tip of the knife causing her to close her eyes tightly and clench on to the chair "aww poor lil bitch!" I laugh as I pierce her forehead than the side her jaw "How you feel how you feel ?" I sing "please stop ! I'm sorry I'm sorry" she cries "I just want Juliana to love me ." I laugh in her face as her words go in one ear and out the next . "YOU PUT YOUR FUCKIN HANDS ON MY SON YOU STUPID LOW LIFE BITCH!" I slice her middle finger off of left hand than shove it in her mouth "DON'T EVER IN YOUR GOT DAMN LIFE FUCK WITH MY SON!" I yell in her ear as she cries in agony than spits her finger out "DO NOT PLAY WITH MY SON ! JESUS CAN'T SAVE YOU BITCH!" I slice her ring finger off and her pinky off "they'll have fun putting those back on" I crack up as I drop the knife and untie her than stand her up "BITCH" she tries to rush me into the wall but I side step her than turn around with a kick to her rib cage , I than do a flying kick in the air knocking the living shit out of her . I text Vin to bring them home that I'm nowhere done with her. I sit in the chair waiting for her to gain consciousness and as soon as she does I pull her up and sit her in the chair , "You want ice for your hand?" I ask seriously. "Yeah" She says rubbing her head . I run downstairs and grab two bowls of ice , heading back upstairs she's sitting in the chair crying "Stop being a bitch , you wasn't a bitch when you was hitting my son!" I say " look man I'm sorry ok , damn man ." She cries but I can careless . When it comes to my son no one and I mean no one can fuck wit him "put your fingers in the ice , I ain't touchin that shit!" I laugh and she does as told "put your hand in this bowl!" I give her the bowl "I don't want to die like this , please!" She cries ... I turn around and walk out of her house with no remorse .

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