It's Juliana...

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"Look at my lil man , Eyyy brandon !" I say as I walk around the store with him in the stroller , I came out to get some food and than go back home , Brandon turned one month old today and I'am so excited to post his pictures on Instagram in his Gucci outfit ! My man is fly as fuck and he got his own Instagram now topping my followers . I have 34m and he has 60m . "OHH MY GOSH ITS STAR ITS STAR" Some people rush my way and I decide to sign there shirts and papers "Nice to meet ya'll" I say as I walk away and pay for my items at scan and go , Some bitch is eyeing me so hard it's crazy like bitch can I help you "Are you Star the rapper or do I have the wrong person?" she asks "Yes it's me haha" I say as I put my bags on the bottom of the stroller "Is this brandon?" she asks "Yes it is" I say checking her out "He is so handsome how old is he now?" she asks "One month today" I say as I take out my phone and snap a picture of him smiling "You're so lucky he is so handsome and you Star , You're gorgeous" she says "Wanna take a pic together?" I ask "Yes please" she says and we take about five good pictures together . 

                                          Juliana Young 

"Babe I'm tired" I lie , I said it because Milo is annoying and I don't want to take care of him anymore I don't want kids I just want to be with Milah and enjoy our lives together but she wanted a damn baby so bad and now I'm stuck with him, My body looks disgusting and Milah hasn't even touched me since I had Milo a month ago "Baby did you hear me?" I say a lil louder "Bae I'm tired too" she says "Ughh fine" I get up and change Milo's diaper than set him back in the crib milah comes in and hugs me from behind "Did he eat?" she asks "No not yet" I roll my eyes "What's wrong mamas" she asks "I kinda don't want him" I say sadly "Bae why you aint say nothing before?"   "I don't want you to think I hate him it's just I cant do it its hard" I say as tears come down my eyes "Look let's send him with my sister and have some alone time" Milah calls her sister and she says she will take him

   ( 25 minutes later)

Milo Julian is gone and Bae and I are alone for the first time in a month , She starts kissing my neck from the back as I lean back into her with my arm around her neck , Than I turn around facing her , Milah gives me her pearly white smile reminding me of Jayden and the way she used to smile at me. goshh I miss her I haven't seen her in five long years "Babe I want to go out to eat" I whine "I want to make you my meal" she says "It hasn't been six weeks" I say "So what?" she says "Soooo my pussy is swollen and still healing" I whine "Let me see" she picks me up and carries me to the bed , laying me down softly , climbing on top of me and biting my bottom lip than licking it , I lock eyes with her and we just stare for a few seconds than start kissing on each other . Next thing I know she's sucking and playing with my nipples making me want her even more *I want Jayden* "Mmmm baby" I moan out as she sucks my left nipple toying with my right It feels so right and so good but I can't get Jayden out of my mind "Jayyyy" I moan out "WHAT THE FUCK?" Milah jumps up "WHO THE FUCK IS JAY?" She yells "Babe I I" I cant even speak as I see how hurt she is "Don't tell me you cheated on me" she starts pacing the room "No no I didn't cheat , Jay is the ex before Star" I say "Oh so now you thinkin bout a bitch you haven't had for 5 6 years iight bro" Milah says walking out the room , I put my bra back on and follow behind her "Babe I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking it just slipped and I'am sorry please" I say as I grab her arm "WE HAVE A SON JULIANA , WE ARE FUCKIN ENGAGED DO YOU NOT SEE THIS RING?" She yells "IF YOU WANT JAY THAN GO GET HER BUT YOU AIN'T BOUT TO BE CALLING ME ANOTHER PERSON'S NAME IN MY DAMN HOUSE IN MY DAMN BED" Milah yells as she grabs my car keys and tosses them at me "GET THE FUCK OUT AND COME BACK WHEN YOU KNOW MY GOT DAMN NAME AND WHEN YOU DON'T WANT SOME OTHER BITCH" Milah yells again but this time louder. I grab my keys off the floor and leave the house not knowing where to go! I decide to message Jayden seeing if she still has the same number

Me- Is this Jay? Jayden C. King?

347-330-9190- Who's this?

me: It's Juliana...


Me: Jay can we just meet up and talk , Please.

347-330-9190- Yeahhh Meet me at 50 lake road 

me: Be there in 20...


Jayden King 

I pull up at the restaurant , parking my all black BMW '23 and heading inside , I see Juliana sitting at a table so I walk over and take a seat . She looks the same just a little older "Hi" I say "Hey" she responds with a light smile "What did you want to meet up for?" I say jumping to the point , I notice the ring on her finger "Congrats" I say "Thanks same to you" she says "Thanks" I say as the waiter comes over and I ask for a lemon water , Juliana orders a sprite "Umm I asked you to come here because I was doin the do with my girl and umm I called out your name.. Point is you been in my head every day for two years now and I don't know how to get over you" she says "You're engaged Julie and so Am I" I say holding up my hand and pointing to my ring "I know Jay , It's just .... You made me feel good! I felt so good with you and I fucked up dating Star" Jules says "You didn't engage to her did you?" I raise a brow "No no , I'm engaged to Milah and she's wonderful we have a son Milo but it's not what it was with you , You treated me so good and I wanted the fast life"   "Jules I can't do this alright. If you aren't happy move on and don't play that girl, but you and I are done for good" I say taking a sip of my lemon water "How are the kids?" Julie asks "They're good. Jailene is dating a female named Cherish" I take another sip of my water , My phone vibrates in my pocket so I check it 


Me: I'm wit Jules.. Be home soon baby


Me: Be there when I am done


I don't say anything else as I let out a chuckle and slip the phone in my pocket "Are you happy with whomever you are with?" Julie asks "Extremely" I smile "Who is she?"  "Takai" I smile "Ohhh Ya'l got more kids?"  "One! A lil boy he was born on the 31st , names Kaiden" I say "Milo was born the 29th" she says "see" she shows me a picture and he looks just like Jailene "He looks like Jailene" I say "He does doesn't he haha"   "Well umm I got to go jules but you got my number!" I stand up and give her a hug , A tight hug at that and damn why do I miss this woman? I let her go and walk off .... I aint goin back I aint fuckin up my family. 

The Life Of Jayden-2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now