It's Your Turn !-56

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                                ( Jailene - In coma) 

          I hear everything that is being said to me , I hear my momma and Takai speaking to me . I even hear Jayden Jr. I wish I could talk back and tell them that I love them . I wish I could tell them how I feel and that I just want to wake up . I can't open my eyes , I can't move any parts of my body . I even hear the nurses when they come in. I just want to make it home I'm scared ... What if I never wake up , What if I'm stuck like this forever !  I just want my momma , I want her to hold me and tell me that it's only for a short period of time . My momma (Jay) Always tells me what the date and time is . She told me that sometimes she goes deaf and that she is blind in one eye . She told me what happened to her , I hate Juliana for doing that ! She could've killed my mom . She could've taken her away from Takai , Jayden Jr. and I . We need her , She is my everything . 

               My birthday is next week and I just want to wake up and enjoy it . I want to get a bratz doll bike and bratz doll skates . I also want a Cd player and the new Justin Bieber CD , I really hope my momma gets me those things for when I wake up I can have them . I miss home and momma's cookings. God please let me wake up ! It's been one long month . Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up ! I want to celebrate with my family please. 


                   ( Takai ) 

     It's been three long ass days and all Jayden been fuckin doing is ignoring my ass , Jayden Jr. been over his friends house a lot , and Jayden seems to not care that her 8 year old is hanging with fuckin 10-16 year olds . He doesn't even talk like a damn little boy anymore . He sounds like a teenager and sometimes I want to slap the shit out his smart ass mouth . I wish Jayden would fix that shit but she just walks away from it . I need some damn pussy in my life , Some food in my stomach and some liquor poured down my throat "YO JAYDEN TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN!" I Yell at Jr.  "I'M TURNIN UP MA , COME ON" He laughs "NOW BEFORE I BREAK IT!" I threaten . He turns it down and I go to make dinner . He started calling me *Ma and moms* A week ago . It's cute and I like it ! I love it actually . "Wheres mama" he asks "I don't know . Maybe in her room or outside" I say "I'll check the room" He runs up the stairs .  "She aint there" he runs back down and heads outside "Her car ain't here , Can I call her?" He asks "Yeah sure" I hand him my cellphone "Thanks Ma" he goes in the living room and dials up his mother's number on speaker 

     Jayden: Hey baby what's up

Jr. Mama where are you 

Jayden: I'm almost home I went to speak with my doctor 

jr: Why you ain't tell nobody that ? You just up and leave


"Ass" Jayden Jr. says hanging the phone up and tossing it my way "Watch it" I warn him but he smacks his lips "Ima smack that stupid look off your face now fix it" I say . He fixes his face than heads outside and so do I . "Why you ain't tell me you was seeing a doctor , I would've went with you" I say to Jayden "I'm good ! I wanted some air" Jayden responds walking past me "Really?" I say "Bae come on I don't mean it like that" She says putting her wallet and keys on the counter "Ma can I have twenty , I want to see a movie and go eat with my friends" Jayden Jr. says   "I got you son" Jayden says handing him six twenty dollar bills  "Oh wow thanks mama I love you" He kisses her and I on the cheek than grabs his coat and leaves "You seen Juliana?" I ask "Yesterday" She says getting a cup of water and some pain meds "You addicted to them yet?" I ask taking the bottle away from her "My eye is killing me man come on" Jayden grabs the bottle from me "Well take aleve or Tylenol , You don't need Oxy" I say "Man how you gonna tell me what I fuckin need?"   "Babe who you cussing at?"  "You nigga" she takes the shit to the head "If you wasn't my girlfriend I would jack yo ass" I say "Well do it than bitch" Jayden comes closer to me .  I lean in and kiss her lips "NOPE" I smack her ass "Keep playin" she giggles so I grab her and push her up against the wall "Your lil tight pussy can't handle me" I laugh "FUCK YOU" She pushes me off of her than into the wall "I'm stronger" I say "You weak as hell just watch" Jayden pulls my shirt off than pulls my boxers down . "Hol up" I say  "I don't know what that means" Jayden carries me to the couch and drops my ass "WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT IF I FELL" I yell "Lower your damn mouth , I wasn't gonna let you fall" She laughs getting on top of me , I know damn well I aint ready for this ... "Im nervous" I bite her bottom lip she pulls away than pushes me down "Don't be"  Jayden starts kissing on me and my body feels at ease. I feel good but damn I just want to take control and fuck the shit out her ass .  She goes down and flickers her tongue on my clitoris , It feels sooo amazing and her tongue long as fuck ! Like damn . "I'm still a .. oooh shiiit" I moan out " A what? A virgin ... I know" Jayden says while fuckin the shit out my pussy . "Hmmm shiiit" I moan out as I grab a handful of her dreads "Keep playin" she laughs "MMmmm fuckkkk" I moan out . Damn I must sound like a horny bitch right about now , Ughh it feels so damn good ! I need this shit every day of my existence .  "OHH SHIIIT YESSS MMMMM SHIIIT OOH MY GOD" I push Jayden's head into my pussy "You moanin like a bitch" she laughs "Mmm fu mm ck shiiit" I moan out  "Huh what was that?" Jayden laughs "Ima mmmmm" I can't help myself . Oooh I just want to flip this shit and fuck her pussy up.  Jayden comes up and starts kissing me , I kiss back tasting my pussy all over her lips and tongue . Damn we both taste good *wink wink*  "It's your turn" Jayden says 

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