Star or Ghost?

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"I'm going to get you Milah.... You can't get away" Star does a demonic laugh "AHHHHH" I scream out while throwing punches in the air "babe , babe it's okay it's okay! You had a nightmare" Julie calms me down "damn... she's after me!" I shake my head as I get up than head into the hospital bathroom. "What the fuck?" I look away from the mirror than back at it. At first I seen Star's bloody cut up face but now I see myself. "FUCK!" I shout "what's wrong?" Jayden gets up and comes into the bathroom "when did you get here?" I ask "just now!" She giggles "maaan I swear" I shake my head again because I'm so out of it and people just poppin up everywhere. "Where am I?" I ask "in the hospital... Julie got into a car accident" Jayden says "Juliana? She... she just talked to me." I say "Milah she can't talk, move or even open her eyes at the moment. They put her into a coma" Jayden looks at me like I have two heads and I look at her like she has eight heads and four arms "What? Wait wait wait huh? What? What's going on?" I chuckle nervously "Milah come here" Jay takes me by the hand and brings me towards Julie, she's laying there with a big ass smile on her face but her eyes are closed "why is she smiling?" I ask "she isn't Milah, she's not doing anything" Jayden says "SHE IS SMILING I AIN'T STUPID SHE IS SMILING" I get frustrated "NURSE NURSE HELP!" Jayden yells out "what's wrong? What's going on?" I look around next thing I know I'm out of it.....

Question 1: what do you think is going on with Milah?
Question 2. Do you think Star is alive or Milah has an imagination going on?

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