Just Love Me !

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Jayden King

After talking with the police they ruled the shooting as self defense and let me go which I'am glad for because now I can go home and be with my children. I get back into my BMW and pull off , Takai and I need to sit down and have a talk because I need to know what's really going on and why the fuck K.L is even in our lives AGAIN .. Like shit should've never happened. "I'm sorry" Takai says "I'am too" I say as I continue to drive home "He's good?" I ask "Yeah he seems fine" Takai says "I love you"  "I love you too babe, We got to talk to be honest" I say "I know"

         Once at home we get out of the car , I take Kaiden and head upstairs to give him a bath while Takai makes him another bottle "Babe"  "Yeah?" I turn to her and she's crying which makes me go soft . "What's wrong?" I ask "Can we talk , When you're done" she says sadly "Yeah Of course!" I say as I wash Kaiden off "Ima lay down" Takai says "Alright babe" I finish bathing Kai than dry him off and bring him into the nursery "Whaddup youngin?" I smile at him , He's so damn cute I can't stand it "MOMMM" Jailene yells "YEAH??" I yell back "CAN CHERISH SLEEP OVER?" She asks "Girl I don't care!" I roll my eyes and giggle .... "THANKS" Jailene says "NO PROBLEM" I yell. I hand Kaiden his bottle and lay him down in the crib , Making sure the windows are locked "I love you" I kiss his cheek and head to my bedroom . I leave Kaiden's door open "What's up?" I say to Takai "I miss you" she hugs me from behind but I push her away "I miss you too but I'm mad at you" I say "I'm sorry" Takai cries "This should've never happened Takai and you should have told me because now Our family is in danger , To bad I ain't kill the bitch like I wanted to" I say "Jay I'm sorry please just forgive me! I won't hide anything anymore"
"I need some time to think" I say as I go to walk out but Takai grabs my arm pulling me into her "I said I need to think!" I say "I gave you this ring for a reason!" "We not doin this not tonight!!" I try to pull my arm from her but she grips tighter than pushes me on top of the bed "NOT TONIGHT!" I try to get up but she dominates me than pins my arms behind my head "I said I'm sorry multiple times, Just love me" Takai says but I manage to push her off of me. "I do love you but I ain't bout to have sex with you" I roll my eyes

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