God Forgive ME!-21

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* Juliana * One Day Later

"Jay can I talk to you n private?" I say as I approach her "Yeah sure!" Jayden gets up and we close ourselves in the bedroom . "WHAT THE FUCK! HOW THE FUCK?" Jay goes to attack star but I stop her "chill chill ! We need to talk" I say "The fuck is she doing here after hurting our fuckin kids ? you crazy or dumb as fuck? bitch I will kill you!" Jay tries to get over to star but I beg her to stop so she does "You got 5 minutes before I put this bitch on a cross "Can you sit down please?" I ask Jayden "Fuck naw but star can!" Jay says . Star does as said and takes a seat "I'm sorry Jayden , It will never happen again . Juliana and I just want to talk to you if that is okay?" "What I should do is get up , walk over to you like I'm going to shake your fuckin hand and crack your fuckin skull in pieces than I should get some gasoline and pour it onto your body and roast some mufuckin marshmallows with my kids over your dead body ! cuz I'm just sick like that!"Jay let out a laugh and Star let out a sigh than straightened herself up in her seat . "God forgive me" Star says "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Jayden laughs "Listen let's all just calm down and talk ! Jayden I called you in here because I need to tell you something and I hope you can understand ...

"I like Star and I want to be with her , I need you to care for Jailene for me while I do what I think is best ." I finally let out a breathe

The Life Of Jayden-2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now