She has her reasons... -35

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               ( Jayden ) 

Pulling up at the hospital I ask the kids if they wanted to go in and they both said no "Okay, I'll be right back" I say as I get out the car and leave the keys "Lock the doors Jay" I say as I go inside the hospital and to the third floor. They moved Juliana up there to recovery. A lot of damage was done but she managed to pull through. She is a strong woman I can tell you that "Hey jules" I see she is laying there looking down "Hi" she says sadly "What's wrong" I ask "Everything Jay. I heard what Jailene said to me... I can't remember word from word but she hates me Jay" Jules says "She has her reasons Julie. And I'm not going to sit here and lie to you saying that she does love you because she doesn't . She is so hurt by what went down with you and Star. An apology isn't going to fix it. Jailene is hurt beyond words . You abandoned your blood and she can't forgive you for that. I'm sorry but the truth hurts." I say in one breathe "I'm sorry I swear I am so sorry . What do I do I want my daughter in my life and my son and I want you" Juliana speaks with sadness "I can't help you Juliana . You have to figure it out yourself. I came by to see If you are good. And Jayden doesn't want anything to do with you at all. You brought him to Star and she smacked my son. You fucked up and You can't fix it. You can never have me back sorry !" I say 


           Heading back to the car I think of ways I can get Jailene and Juliana to have a relationship but I'm not going to force it on her, That'll only make it worse. It's up to Juliana to fight for her daughter and their relationship. It has nothing to do with me. Nothing at all and I wont force my baby girl into anything.  I get in the car and pull off into the cold night "Mom, She mentioned us?" Jailene asks "Yeah !" I say "What she had to say ? that she is sorry" Jailene asks "Pretty much . She wants a relationship with Jayden and you   but its up to you two. She has to fight for what she wants. and if you and Jayden don't want anything to do with her than you have to tell her that. You can think of it and let me know" I say as I drive away from the hospital and back to the house. I miss Takai a lot. I cant get her off of my mind. That's my baby man I swear . Just looking at her makes me smile , My kids seem happy around her and she treats them as if they are her own. Thing is I think I'm moving a little to fast and I dnt want to fuck nun up ya know. Takai is a good woman and she been through a lot of shit . I'm going to show her real love ! She don't got to worry about shit trust and believe me! 

The Life Of Jayden-2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now