Dinner With Takai 🍼

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Dinner with Takai - 8:30pm. ( Takai ❤️)
I arrive at Jayden's house 🏡 and lightly knock on the door when she opens it. Looking me up and down I know she's mad at me but I haven't had money to get a bus to come over "You actually showed up this time" she says while pulling the smoked bbq chicken wings out of the oven and the creamy cheesy Mac and cheese. "I ain't have no money" I say as I wash my hands in the sink "Really Takai? So you couldn't use someone's phone and tell me that yo ass wasn't coming?" Jay asks "look I'm sorry bae I'll make it up to you" I go to kiss her but she pushes me away "I don't want sex or yo damn kisses I want you to get yo shit together" Jay grabs the plates from the cabinet and I get the placemats and utensils than set up the dinner table "Listen I'm trying Jay cut me a break. I apply for jobs all day long I sit on the road all night tryna make some change but the most I get some nights is ten bucks and I gotta use that to get a shower and some food for a few days." I speak honestly but jay rolls her eyes at me  "Takai we live in New York if all you make is ten bucks than you're in the wrong spot because some mufuckas be ballin with a hundred a night even more at times" jay rolls her eyes "Well I know but I don't wanna be all out there to late I get scared that something gonna happen to me" I say as I head to the bathroom "Where you going?" Jay asks "to the bathroom" I say "Ight when you done go upstairs and wake Kaiden."   "Alright" I close the door and immediately tears come down my eyes, I miss us - Jayden and I. Why can't we just get back together? Being homeless sucks ... I've lost all my weight I lost having someone love me , I missed out on my children's lives , I just want to be happy for once in my life. I want Jay and I to get married.

"So did you find a job?" Jailene asks me while stuffing her face "Not yet but I'm looking!" I smile "Well at least your looking , what are you gonna do with K.L's baby?" She asks "umm I I don't know" I answer "Do you want to keep it?" Jayden Jr asks "I honestly don't know I mean I do because he or she is apart of me but I don't because it's also apart of K.L" I give Kaiden some Mac and cheese "You should keep it that way Kaiden got a sibling with the same mom" Jayden says "yeah I guess" I start to feel uncomfortable so I get up and head into the bathroom. Cramps take over and everything happens so fast than I feel water coming down my leg and a sharp pain causing me to scream out using the walls to hold me up. It hurts so much it feels so different from when I had Kaiden.  "Open the door" jay says ... I unlock it and she comes in than looks at me and she knows what's happening. "Come on you're about to deliver" she says "it's to early!" I began to cry "Let the doctor decide!" Jay brings me to the car and helps me get in. The cramps worsen by the few minutes. Some more painful than others "argghhhh" I grab the door handle squeezing it. "Breathe" Jayden says "hmm it hurts it hurts it hurts oooouuuuch!" I squeal "Breathe Takai"

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