Jayden's Birthday

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Jayden Jr.
Xavier and I finally get home. "We here lil man, and guess what you gonna have such a great life!" I kiss his forehead "Thank you sir." I get out of the car and grab the car seat than head up the walkway to my moms door. Slightly knocking on it and Jailene opens up the wooden door. "Awww look at my nephew he's soooo cute!" Jailene squeals "ha thanks you want to hold him?" "Of course!" Jailene goes to wash her hands than picks Xavier up.
I see Juliana sitting at the table next to Unique. "Umm ma?" I look at Jayden, my mother "she's just leaving." My mom escorts Juliana out.
Jayden 🎊

"Sooo he doesn't like me?" Julie asks "naw he doesn't, all that you put them through was and still is a lot. Especially on Jr. and I'm only understanding and polite to you because of Jailene. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't even look at you. You have to leave now" I say "Jayden please, don't do this to me, I have nowhere and no one, Milah took everything" Julie starts to cry "That isn't my problem. That is your problem now go handle it , I have a family to tend to" I than walk back into my house. Jules is going to have to learn to figure shit out for herself. I'm 37 years old now with three children, Jayden Jr. Jailene, and Kaiden. I can not help Jules it's on her.
*riiiiing riiiiing* Incoming call from Blue 💙
"Heyyy boo" I smile hard as fuck when I see her picture and name pop up on my phone. "Heeeyyyyy Blue!" I squeal "Happy birthday Jayden !" She giggles "Thank you" I smile "Sooo I was wondering if I could borrow you and your children for a few hours pleaseeee" I can tell Blue is smiling "Yes of course, what time?"   "Around 1:30pm" Blue says "Alright sounds good! Where should I meet you at?" I ask "I'll text you the address, Talk to you later babes"   "Okay baby talk to you later" I end the call and Takai is staring a hole through me "WHAT DAMN?" I yell "Baby? I will kill you calling that blue eyed freak baby!" Takai grabs my phone "don't even!" I say "whatever! You can talk to yo hoes later." Takai rolls her eyes hard as hell.

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