I Don't Need More Drama-39

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😂 Jayden 😊
🎶 give me some money and a bad bitch I'll feed her that rice and cabbage 🎶
I sing along as the song finishes . I pull up in the parking lot of my job and get out , I see three new people and I already know I'm at least going to be training one of them , I grab my cellphone and wallet placing them in my back pocket . Walking inside my boss immediately waves for me to come over "Jayden come meet Juliana . She is ready and eager to learn!"  Great ... A woman with my ex's name " How are you ! My name is Jayden" I say "I'm good . My name is Julliana with two L's" she winks "nice name!" I smile .  "Well now that you two know each other Jayden will help you learn ." Melanie says walking off . I get to training Julliana showing her how to use the cash register and where the locker room is "thank you for teaching me!" She caresses my arm "you're welcome!" I move away and assist a lady who looks like she needs help . "Hey can I help you?" I ask the older lady , Wow does she look like my mom or what ! That's crazy... "Hello, Yes . My son is getting married and he wants a Ralph Lauren suit but he wants it to be all black." She says  "Ma'am we can put in an order , We are out of those type of suits right now. When does he need it by?" I ask "Ohh he needs it by Wednesday" She says "I can see what I can do , Follow me." I go over to my station and log in to my account on the computer , I put in an order for an all black ralph lauren suit with the grey polo sign "Size?" I ask "He wears a medium" she says  "I'm sorry but you look very much like my sister's daughter. I haven't seen her in years because I moved so far away but  what is your name?" She asks  "My name is Jayden King" I say proudly "Do you have a twin sister named Jayda?" she asks "Yes I do. What is your sister's name?" I ask "Her name is Patricia . I heard she passed away but I couldn't get here. The last time I seen her she had twin girls who were 2 yearsold."  "Ma'am can I take down your information. I think you might be my aunt" I say "Yes , sure you can sweetie" I hand her a paper and pen , I watch as she writes and she writes just like my mother . It's so weird I don't remember my mom mentioning a sister. 


   ( 3 hours later) 

Star walks into the shop and I instantly get mad , Juliana is with her to . I feel myself about to knock both of them the hell out. "Julliana go assist them" I say "But I'm not fully trained" She says "Just ask them if you can be of any help, If they say yes than ask them what they need. If you can't find it I will help" I say "Oook" Julliana goes and approaches Star , It took her a while to actually recognize the person in front of her and once she screamed everyone started rushing over to Star asking for autgraphs n shit, That bitch ain't no celebrity she's a stupid cunt. "WE ARE RUNNING A BUSINESS HERE IF YOU WANT AUTOGRAPHS TAKE IT OUTSIDE" melanie yells "YES PLEASE DO" I butt in . "Thank you Jayden" Melanie winks at me . I see Juliana approaching me and I get mad "WHAT?" I say "I need help" Jules says "Ha, Ask Jesus baby" I say "Jay please" She begs "Nahhh" I say walking away and into the back room. Jules really fuckin followed me arghh "Please Jayden" she grabs my arm and yanks me towards her "I need help" she says showing me a big ass bruise on her stomach . I kind of feel bad but than I think of my kids and what they said . "You did this to yourself Jules , The only person who can help you now is yourself. I can't do anything for you . My kids come first before anything and anybody , Now get the fuck out of here and back to your bitch ass girl.." I get cut off by Star grabbing Jules by her arm but I don't even say or do anything. Star can see that I am done helping and so can Jules. I give up on this woman , she has to help herself. "COME ON BITCH" star yells at Juliana who is now crying. " GET OFF OF ME I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR SHIT" Juliana yells and punches Star but star has the upper hand and smacks fire out of Juliana . I still stand there watching it happen . I taught jules how to fight for a reason and she will use it one day, She wants to be stupid than shiit be stupid. Some of the customers take out there phone and record what Star is doing , Star than slaps the phone out of a young girl's hand "YO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WIT YOU?" I grab star and push her to the ground , she gets up and brushes herself off "I HATE THIS STUPID BITCH SHE NEVER LISTENS" Star yells "WELL WHO WOULD LISTEN TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU? YOU ARE ABUSING YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND NOW YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANT! ENTERTAINMENT AND LOOKERS" I yell "MAN FUCK YOU" Star tries to slap me but I dodge it , She comes for me again with a 8 thrower but I dodge and weave all 8. She than tries to kick me but I jump out the way "Whoaa" Melanie and Julliana say in unison . Some people are recording while they older people are calling the police . Star goes to throw a bottle of liquor at me but I catch it and set it down "IF YOU FUCK WITH MY CUSTOMERS YOU FUCK WITH ME" I say as I grab her arm and twist it behind her back "Remember the last time" I pull on the fingers that I amputated . "I'm sorry" Star says crying "Man the fuck up you pussy" I say as I release her "Look at this - STUDSTARKING THE FAMOUS RAPPER AND NOW FAMOUS WOMAN BEATER. HITTING ON HER GIRLFRIEND OUT OF ANGER ! WOWW WAY TO GO STAR.!" I say as I punch her dead in her face "DON'T EVER COME HERE " I say as I grab her by her shirt and pull her out of the shop . The police pull up as I am removing her dumbass . The woman who recorded the most shows the police the video and they arrest Star. "WAY TO GO BUDDY!" I pat star on the back as she walks off with the officer crying. Some of the customers come and hug me while the older ones pay and leave. "That was crazy , Where did you learn all those moves" Julliana says "My father" I walk back in the store and start cleaning it up . The damn news channel arrived and now its a whole fuckin scene. They share footages of the fight from cellphones . My phone starts going off and it's my baby.   

Takai: Babe are you okay?

me: Yeah im straight ! Might want to ask Star if she ok *Laughing*

Takai: I really was scared as fuck I'm glad your fine ass is good though!

me: Yeah , I'm glad you called I needed to hear your voice , There is this new worker and I think she likes me . Guess what her damn name is

Takai: Suga * Laughing* Just joking Juliana huh?

me: Yup but with two L's

Takai: Lawrd her momma ghetto ghetto . Ole stupid ass bihh

me: *Laughing* I'll see you in two hours . I love you

Takai: I love you too baby

" I don't need more drama" I say as I get my keys and leave .

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