From Star 💫 -43

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                             ( Jayden 😢)

              I head out to the waiting room because I can't be in this area anymore. I'm probably getting kicked out the hospital while Juliana and Star get to be with Jailene, "Babe you good?" Takai comes around the corner "Yeah , I hit my hand on the floor but im straight" I say "You want to see Jailene again?" she asks "yeah" I say as I get up and head down there "Babe Ima take jayden home" Takai says "Okay" I kiss her cheek than head to Jailene. I'm just going to stay here the night, I can't leave her I can't let her go . "Excuse me Can I please get a cup of coffee" I ask the nurse "Sure ma'am be right with you" she says walking away . I go into Jailene's room and see a teddy bear next to her , I read the card on it and it is from Star . I immediately get pissed off and throw it in the trash can . "fuckin bitch" I mumble  *knock knock* The door opens and it's the real pretty nurse , Her name is Shakira - like the singer , but she is way more beautiful. "Here is your coffee"  "Thank you so much" I say taking the coffee and tray from her. "This closet has a microwave if you want it hot" she says pointing to the closet. "Ahh thank you" I say "You're welcome Jayden" she than walks out . I warm my coffee up and put some creamer and sugar in than stir it with the wooden stick, I take a sip and it's soo good . After a while I lay down and start to cry again . It just comes and goes , I can't help but cry .. I miss my baby I need her to wake up ! I still don't even know exactly what happened because I haven't talked to Jayden or the doctor that long to understand what happened to Jailene.

                                                               ( Takai )

                                   After going home I make Jayden Jr. some homemade pizza "Can I eat in my room?" he asks "sure" I say  I grab myself some pizza and sit on the couch . I decided to text Jayden to see if she is okay   "Babe you good?"  Jayden: No, I can't stop crying , I feel like shit/ me: Baby don't push yourself to hard, Get some rest/ Jayden: Its so hard... I see her hooked on these machines and I just wish it was me , Mind ya the bitch left her a tedy bear I threw it in the trash/ me: Good , We can get her a teddy bear she don't need shit from Star/ Jayden: I'm falling asleep babe . I love you , I will text you later / me: I love you too baby Rest , You will feel somewhat better..

                                                                               ( Star 💫

                                                                                             This bitch really fucked me up over nothing , I can't believe that dumbass bitch ! "JULIANA HELP ME BITCH" I smack Juliana in the face because she is taking to long to clean my face up "Stop ! im trying but you keep moving" Juliana says "Man that fuckin alcohol burns you dumb nutty bitch" I say "AHHH FUCKIN TWID" I yell  "Don't call me that" Juliana says . I punch her in her face making her drop the bottle of alcohol on my foot "STUPID CUNT" I slap and kick her repeatedly . The bitch deadass pisses me off everytime I have to see her ugly ass face , Why is she still alive ughhh. I stop beating on her and head into the kitchen to get some water. "Look babe I'm sorry that Jayden took her anger out on you" Juliana walks up behind me and hugs me "Yeah you sorry?" I ask taking a sip from my water "Yes baby , How can I make it up to you?" Juliana asks "Set her up" I say


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