Lost 😢 - 47

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( Lamont )
Juliana lays on the ground knocked out covered in blood while Star lays on the ground also panting for air . Tyson puts them both back in the car than we head back to Star's place . I assemble my gun and get ready to kill this bitch . She doesn't even know what's about to happen . We pull up in the driveway and I get Star out of the car ! She limps towards her door than I fire two bullets through her body . "Let's go!" I hop in the car and Jamal rolls out . Juliana is out of it but she should be fine "WAKE UP" I throw water on her causing her to jump up and look at me "what's going on?" She whines "Your girl is dead" I speak "dead?" She repeats "YEAH DEAD!" I laugh
( Takai )
I drop Jr off at the neighbors house and head to the hospital where Jayden is . I can't believe Star and whomever else would do this to her ! She's such a good loving person.
"Jayden King" I say to the receptionist "room 30 ma'am" she smiles "thank you" I smile back than head down the hall . I can feel my body getting tense and I feel so nervous . I just want her to be okay please just be okay ! She's lost ... Once I get to the room I walk inside and see Jayden being cleaned up by the nurse . A short light skinned stud with a fade , Jayden is just laying there not even moving or anything . She seems exhausted and lost . "Hey" I extend my hand and the nurse shakes it "My name Is Takai ! Yours?" I ask "Lisa" she says "that's nice!" I than turn my attention towards Jayden "how is she?" I ask "She hasn't spoke and her Stomach is bruised up her face is pretty bad . We have the eye doctor coming tomorrow" Lisa says  "she's blind?" I ask "We aren't exactly sure!" Lisa says checking Jayden's ears. "Jayden if you can hear me hold up three fingers" Jayden does nothing  "Jayden hold up three fingers" still nothing , no movement - She is lost ... "bae" I call out but she doesn't turn her head . "I'm going to leave y'all alone and I'll be back with the doctor in about an hour" Lisa says "okay thank you" I sigh .  I look at Jayden as I sit beside her , I take her hand in mine and her head slowly turns . She quickly covers her ears . Her eyes shut tight "is it the light babe?" I ask  but nothing . I get up and cut the light off . Jayden's eyes open a little but one of them look shot . "Bae can you hear?" I point to her than my ear and she slightly shakes her head no . "See?" I point to my eyes and she holds up one finger than touches her left eye . She can see from her left , that's good . "That's good" I give her a thumbs up than kiss her forehead . I wish she felt better I just want to cuddle with her and make sure she's good . "Hmm" she groans. I grab a pen and paper than hand it to her she writes Jailene with a question mark . I take the pen and write * still on life support don't worry .* she reads it and gives me a thumb up . After about 10 minutes I decide to lay with her and once I do she puts her head on my chest and drifts off . She's so hurt that it hurts me ... I love her so much!

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