Its over ! -15

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I tie these dumbass bitches up and stare at Jayden  , waiting for something smart to slip out his mouth fo I can punch him  "Jayden is going to beat you up like never before!" He  says so I punch him in the stomach "Arghh" he  screams in agony "Shut that shit up!" I say "FUCK YOU" he yells but I punch him again and he  laughs "You won't be tough for long" I grab him by the hair and knock the chair over I than go over to Juliana and rip the tape off of her mouth "hey what's up? You mad I smacked your son  up?" I laugh. "I hate you!" She cries "I don't care hahahaha"    
"WHERE THE FUCK YOU AT ?" I hear Jayden coming up my front stairs "WHERE YOU AT BITCH?" She yells again I grab Juliana and continuously punch her until she is out , than I slap the living fuck out of Jayden knocking him out and his eye instantly swells from the force of my slap !  Once they are out I cut them loose and put Jayden in the closet first than Juliana and barricade it with a dresser "OPEN THE DOOR!" I hear Jayden yell  "biiiitch" I mumble under my breathe than head over to the other closet and grab my hunting knife , I'm no hunter but my father gave it to hoping I would follow in his steps. "THIS FUCKIN BITCH!!" I hear my door break down than I run into my third bedroom and hide in the walk in closet "shit shit shit !" I say as a hanger falls and makes a sound on the hard wood floor . I stay as quiet as possible as I hear Jayden running up the stairs , I hear another person with her but I have no clue who the hell that can be "IF YOU FIND THAT BITCH , SAVE HER FOR ME!" Jayden yells as they separate and I hear the other person walk into the bathroom across the hall , I try to move my leg and end up knocking another hanger down "fuck!" I say as the closet doors swing open and I'm grabbed from my dread bun "no no no , stop please!" I finally notice who it is and it's Jayden's brother ! I'm definitely fucked now "dayummmm dawg , stupid hiding spot!" He punches me dead in the face I black out!

"Behind My Smile 2" is almost here !!!!

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