Somethings Wrong With Ja....-40

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    ( Takai)
Ugh I miss my baby . Plus I'm horny , hungry , and bored . *knock knock knock* "who the hell ?" I ask myself as I walk down the stairs *knock knock knock* "BITCH HOLD ON!" I yell as I look through the peephole to see Juliana crying . Lord Jesus help me! Im not Jayden and nor am I nice . "Why are you here ?" I ask "j-Jayden should be ba-ack soon r-right?" She cries "umm yeah so what it to you ?" I ask "pl-ple-ase can I come in" she sobs . Naw you can suck my dick tho "I guess but stay on the couch !" I say moving out of the way . "Thank you" she says as she goes and sits on the sofa 🛋. I head back upstairs and look for my phone than I text Jayden . Me: hurry home daddy. Jayden: you got it papi / me: You still a bitch 😂😂 / Jayden : 🖕🏾😂
( 30 minutes later ) Jayden
I pull up at my house and head inside , unlocking the door I see Juliana on my couch and my whole mood changes . "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE ? TAKAIIII" I scream "Babe chill loud ass mouth !" Takai giggles "What's going on?" I ask "I can't go back there" Juliana says "Well you can't stay here" I say "Takai why u let her in?" I start to get angry "Cuz man she was crying and I know how you be" she laughs "LAUGH AGAIN" I get loud "babe chill !" She says "man fuck a chill GET THE FUCK OUT JULES" I say as I open the door and I see Jayden and Jailene's bus pull up "Can I see my daughter?" Jules asks "Fuck man! Whatever !" I say as I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower , I can hear the kids walking in and Jailene talking "why are you here I don't want to see you!" "Baby give momma a chance I'm trying ." Jules says . I mentally roll my eyes and finish washing off . I can't believe this shit .  Apply my coconut oil , shea butter and olive oil on my skin I than start to get dressed in my Orange and black plaid Xijex boxers with my orange bra .  I'm not wearing clothes , it's to warm in this house for all that ! I spray my scalp with olive oil than tie my dreads into a high-bun . After I walk back into the living room than head in the kitchen where Takai is . I see her cooking as Juliana is still on the couch , the kids went upstairs to shower . "Hey babe!" I grab her waist gently and start kissing her neck "mmmm" she bites her bottom lip throwing her head back , I slide my hand down and grab her inner thigh leaving nail marks "rrrhhhmm" she groans . I than laugh and walk away "BIIITCH" she growls . I just laugh as I sit on the other couch and turn the Television on .  "Babe *Baby boy* is on"  I say as I turn my attention to Juliana who is now laying down . "Sooo you not going back to Yo gurl ?" I ask "I can't Jay" she says  "Welp you can't stay here either , plus it's getting late it's four pm (4:30pm). Time for you to go go go!" I say "Jay please!" She begs "NO" I get up and go in the kitchen grabbing my wallet . I pull out two hundred dollar bills "Here , that'll cover six nights at the Motel." I say as I open the front door . "MOOOOM MOOOM HURRY UP SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH JA..." As soon as I hear that I take off in full speed up the stairs .

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